With life's twist and turns you can not only find your head spinning but you to can feel as though you are drowning. Today thanking G-d it as if I have come up for air. No longer struggling to get above water. In fact I am now resting on a raft taking in the air as my arms and legs are at rest no longer kicking and paddling to reach to the top. I can feel G-d cradling me on top of the ocean waves. I guess we can always be thankful for the struggle because once we make it through how grateful are we for the rest and to just breathe. As I write this...it is actually the Sabbath (seventh day) given to us for rest. A day set apart for G-d the very one who gave and gives us breath. Praising HIM this evening...LORD of all things, my redeemer, my savior our king our Love our G-d. Ahhhhh resting in HIM.....Jesus...moving in the heart of man...something beautiful !!!
So I am going to try something to help me get going on a healthier lifestyle. Every first 10 days of each month I want to regroup. Clean out my system, add foods that need to be in my diet and subtract some that need to be out. Some just for a bit others hopefully for good. Some times we get off track or sometimes just need to make changes. It is all a process...there has been times in the past were I had gotten so overwhelmed, how could I make all those changes when even the healthy foods were found to not be healthy because of the processing or the way it was grown. Maybe trying it this way it will get to where it is easier and easier and improved more and more. A way to help me get focused and take those steps more consistently. 10 steps at a time or should I say 10 days at time, working towards a healthier lifestyle and better habits. So right now I am on day 2. I can't say I have done that well or that bad. Stopped the coffee drinking mainly for just a time to clean my system out. I wish I could say I have had no soda's but I have had a couple. August the 1st being the day after my sons birthday made it a bit more difficult. I am not going to stop..ha well I say that now. Will I quit before the 10 days? I have before I could again. Going to journal it all though see where it takes me if I fall I hope to get back up.
Not only do I want to work on my eating habits but I too want to exercise more, totally need to regroup in that area. Not going to stop there...Evaluating my spiritual eating habit. How often do I read the bible? How often am I praying? How often do I think of others? How much am I wrapped up in my own little world? What changes can I make? What can help me make those changes? Something of "me" I need to leave out? One of the "me" things I really enjoy is FB. It is something that I don't think I totally need to stop because there are so many good and positive things about it. But I do think it would be a good thing to take a break from, from time to time. It is so easy to spend so much time on there when there are other things you need to be doing. Sometimes you can find yourself depend on FB. First thing in the morning instead of praying first thing in the morning or reading the bible. Anyway so I am going to go 5 days without FB...okay okay the original plan was to go 10. I am only at day 2 and thinking I can't go that long because I have messages LOL I need to answer them. Anyway so this time 5 days next time 10 days. Oh and there is more...how can I make our home a healthier place to live...there is always ways to improve on that. Are there things I need to get rid of. Am I making the best use of my time? Am I having my children make good use of their time? Are they pitching in around the house consistently? So on and so forth. 10 days each month is a great time to step back and evaluate everything and then step forward to a better and healthier lifestyle. I am journaling all this in hope to improve and maybe someone out their will be encouraged with our ups and our downs....Need to regroup, it is the road we travel. Thanks for stopping by... Charity GordonI am on a mission to help bring home some orphan children to their new families. First and for most I want to help my Nephew and his wife bring home their little girl that they are adopting...Please consider buying a T-Shirt to help bring her home or at least get the word out. Hope to continue to help in some way until they bring their precious one home. http://www.adoptionbug.com/justinandashleyyoung/ I have also decided to "Adopt" another family and keep trying to help until I see 20,000 on their donation box. I believe G-d has put on my heart the Garcia Family Please consider giving, sharing/and or praying for these families. My Goal.... Pray 4, Share, Do some fundraising Until I see that $20,000 has been reached. Praising G-d for touching our hearts..Amen.
You just never know where a road might take you even with map in hand you might just come up to a road detour, you may come across traffic, or really bad weather. If you come across these things don't be discouraged it might be the very thing to get you on a road you never thought you would travel but was intended for you. Diabetes and some scary lows led me to a diabetic alert dog and an organization, their system led me to no longer having "their D.A.D." which led me to an animal shelter picked out a dog we would never of had gotten if not for the previous happenings. We got there just at the right time and we now are on the road to self training. Where I too hope to help people who are seeking direction, to let them know that it can be done and does NOT have to be attached to so many dollar signs or a faulty system. Which has led me to think about $20,000 wow so many things can be done to help a lot of people with that amount of money. I could help my child (by self training) teach others they can do the same (with much smaller amount of dollar signs) and then with that great amount we can help the poor the lost and the in need through many different avenues. I was doing a study the other day and learned how Jewish(or in Judaism) people help the needy out of duty. It is not an extra thing they do. Something done as thoughtless as breathing. Kind of like feeding your own family no pat on your back it is your duty. We should do this for our brothers do it out of love, obedience and responsibility. This is the way it should be for us "Christian" gentiles all of G-d's children are called to help one another. So not only am I going to help my family with a diabetic alert dog in training but I too hope to help other families to "self train" dogs and encourage people to adopt from a shelter and by the grace of G-d I too want to stop turning my cheek to things that come may way not only give to our church tithe and offerings but I too hope to go beyond that continue offering help where ever there is a need. I may not have the money to help but why not raise the money? I am giving myself a goal to raise $20,000 to help a charity or non profit organization. It may take me a while but I am up for the challenge.Which leads me to Reece's Rainbow
So I have set up days for certain chores if those aren't finished or worked enough on allotted days I continue some to the next. To try and keep balance I am trying timing myself 3o minutes here 30 minutes there. Also I am not going to allow for more than 30 minutes at a time on the internet except for some times of study. I am using my phone for timing and task checking...this helps me make better use of my time, balance my day, and keep focused. So now I am thinking hmmmm haven't been making my children do their chores lately which has brought me to some critiquing again. Going to try having them clean for 30 min. any where they choose but encouraging the places that are needing it most at the time. Any extra 30 min after that they get a quarter. This will be the same for all ages. This is our home daily chores not a business. Just giving them a chance to make a little for the extra that they want to do and to work for that pocket change the older kids often ask for. Well we shall see where this road takes us...hopefully a focused more balance and less slothful one. Thanks for stopping by RraodWeTravel Charity Gordon
At times I feel like my head is spinning these days. I can't seem to stay focussed to that which is most important. My vision gets blurred and my rock my LORD is unclear as if he is a far away distance under bright rays in a dry desert. I close my eyes to gain some clear vision and maybe clearer vision than before. I pray to my G-d...so tired from trials, deceptions, accusations, disrespect, unappreciated, belittled, carelessness, selfishness, greed, opinions caked with pride (how can everyone be right?) attacks, ill health so on and so forth. I feel as though I am losing myself getting sucked into this pool of despair and find myself resentful, envious, bitter, prideful, selfish etc. With eyes shut tight I cry out. Life can be hard life can get you down. People can be hard and people can get you down. Though I know the opposite can be true Life can be good and is good and so can people. G-d is good and HE has every situation, EVERYTHING in HIS hands. I can trust him with ALL things. I open my eyes and begin to gain my vision back. I am grateful for HIS love, for HIS presence, for every lesson HE teaches in our journey of life and living even if at times it can get my head a spinning and ready to pass out. How could one know joy if they never seen sorrow. How can one truly appreciate the rain if they have never been without. Every season is important even the prolonged ones. G-d gets us through, each new year is like another grade passed another lesson learned another weight endured another mass of muscle. Thank you LORD for helping me be just a little bit wiser and a little bit stronger so that I might see a little bit clearer.
Thanks for stopping by SimplyRroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
Oh and come on over to the blog hop party
So I have heard that one can train their own dog to be a diabetic alert dog. I always thought that you could not get the best results but am finding you CAN get just as good of results training a dog yourself as you could with some of these organizations out there. It is a lot of work (it is the other routes as well) but with much dedication and some outside help it can be achieved and has been achieved. Now I am not an expert and I do encourage you if you are looking into a Diabetic alert dog or a service dog to seek expert advice such as http://www.servicedog411.com/ and/or http://www.diabeticalertdog.com/ I am at the beginning stages of my journey...I may or may not be successful. You live and you learn and you try try and try again. I have chosen to rescue a dog from a shelter and train him. You can also get a dog from a breeder who has been scent imprinted like http://www.highlandspringsbreeders.com/ or if you want to go with an organization you could look into http://uklabs.com/ . If you do decide to look into any organization I would say to be sure to proceed with MUCH CAUTION!! Do tons and tons of research and do NOT rush into it. http://www.servicedog411.com/ can help with seeing what your options are and what is right for you. Some of those who know me know that I have gone with an organization...but I am sorry to say we had a bad experience with them. So here I am living and learning and ready to take on a new task. I have adopted a young adult malteze mix just brought him home yesterday. His temperament is good. Now I must say I do not recommend this breed or this way at the moment this may or may not be successful. You can follow my journey here(it is my journey and only my journey NOT expert advice)....http://simplysuperbdog.blogspot.com/ I will be sharing pictures soon. The other links you can get some good advice of what breeds can work for you. Though I must say all service dog and or Diabetic Alert dogs aren't always or don't always have to be the typical breed so you can do some research on that in case you are looking for something else. Smaller dogs can be service dogs. I love labs but have decided this time around to go with a smaller dog. I have reviewed my two current dogs and their temperament and such don't fit the bill in my opinion. You can get expert advice on whether or not the dog that you already own could take on the job that you are wanting them to take on. I believe both links I have provided can help you or give you advice on that. Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel and remember if you want to follow my superb dog journey come on over to http://simplysuperbdog.blogspot.com also you can "like" my FB page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Simply-Superb-Dogs/236922543082038
I have come to another one of those unexpected turns on our road we travel. Someone placed a "road closed" sign in my path. Why G-d I ask, I saw peace on that road I saw hope on that road..why have you allowed for it to be closed?" This is one of the things I have wrestled with lately. Sort of just pulled over had me a good cry. So now I must wipe away the tears and pull out my map and compass. "Where to now, LORD?" Which road do I take?? What about that person who wrongly put up the "road closed" sign? If anything how do I deal with it within my own heart? So here I am again at a place I am reminded that I just must trust G-d in ALL things and continue travelling along. One thing I KNOW is that G-d is always with me and that is a peace that can never be taken away.
So rain or shine putting my key in the ignition, starting up my car and taking off once again. Oh and LORD thank for filling up my tank again. Now where is that detour sign...ahhh I will just head toward that mountain. :) For you oh Lord are my strong tower and my guiding light.
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
Oh and be sure to stop by
Enjoy :)
In service today the Rabbi spoke of a a per suite to get a lamb for Passover. The man who was with him caught the lamb and said I can hear his heartbeat with tears in his eyes. This is what sacrifice is all about can you hear the heartbeat? I began to visualize Jesus (the lamb of G-d) do who hear HIS heart beat?! Jesus who laid down HIS life for us. G-d who gave HIS only begotten son that we might be saved! Can you hear HIS heart beat?! If we would listen to the heartbeat of the word made flesh would we not be MOVED?!
I have been in a bit of a spiritual struggle lately wanting to hear from G-d not people but from HIM wanting TRUTH and only TRUTH. Praying for a burning bush if you will. To see clearly of ALL things and to be moved and to stand firm in HIM. Today the Rabbi also talked about our daily bread just like in the LORD'S Prayer. How we should be satisfied with the bread that HE gives us. So now instead of seeking a burning bush or a major vision I will be grateful for every revelation I may get as little as it may be. A piece of bread is sufficient what will I do with it? I have been wanting more to help me make a stand...but all I need is HIS daily bread and to listen to HIS heartbeat. To think of the LOVE of G-d to take hold of that and to hold it close to my heart...who cares about what others may think who cares about my own self will NO ONE can LOVE me and KNOW me more than my Abba. The less we read the bible and follow his instruction the further we get from HIS instruction the less we are able to hear HIS heartbeat. To think of Mary with her son on the cross the pain the love the life....can you hear HIS heart beat?! This is my prayer that I truly begin to hear HIS heartbeat like a child moving in our womb...the excitement the love the joy that overflows is enough for me to lay down my life just as willing to give up so much for my children how much more so than for the Father. Dear G-d put your heart next to mine so that I might hear your heart beat and be moved to truly live by following your instructions with you and in you for this is life in deed and to love you and serve you so that I might be like a mother who is pregnant with her first child who is so eager to share the good news!!! May we take the time and see our Docter(Abba, whom we can find in scripture) so that we might hear the heart beat of Yeshua (Jesus)
Sharing my heart today...Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
Exodus 16:23
He said to them, “This is what the LORD commanded: ‘Tomorrow is to be a day of sabbath rest, a holy sabbath to the LORD. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.’”
Exodus 16:22-24
Exodus 20:11
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Exodus 20:10-12
I am learning about the WHOLE bible and how beautifully it is woven together all with purpose LOVE and LIFE woven through out. I am beginning to actually have eyes to see the thin threads through out, by the Grace of G-d. Anyway as I am journeying along I see that "keeping the Sabbath" is for me(us)even today. I will post at a later date about my search and find :) For now I must say what a blessing!!!
So now that I see the importance I am doing what I can do to keep the Sabbath. The Hebrew days(or biblical times) begin at sundown. So Friday I get as much as I can get done before sundown. I also must do some preparation before Friday like meal planning as well as chores to be able to do that. Although I also find Friday is the day to play "catch up" Then it ends up being a race to get things done before the Sabbath "rest".
Racing to get house somewhat clean meals ready before sundown. I would like to have dinner ready around 4:00pm so I can cook and wash before sundown. I can do this because my husband does not work on Fridays. This time in the slow cooker we are having taco soup. I am make bread for today as well as a big meal. Steak bell pepper, mash potatoes, greens and bread with some wine. This is just how I am doing it at the moment I may decide to have the meal ready by sundown as I learn and grow.
So I best run away from the computer now :) and race throughout the house before the rest(Sabbath:)
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
February is not far from being over so I best get going. Last month I talked about getting projects or work around the house done month by month. I worked on Kitchen and dinning area in January now it is time to get to work in my living room. I want to totally gut it take everything out. Clean every corner then bring everything back in. Re-organize my shelves and the lay out of the room. That will begin today...
One of the books I have been reading about getting organized is "Organized Simplicity" As of right now you can get it free on Kindle.
I got me a long list today gonna need to get started soon. Have a great day and remember to whistle while you work!
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
OK so I am not a very organized person and my house can become quite a mess. My house could use a lot of home improvements as well. There are times I have felt like what is the use...times where I have been over whelmed by it all along with all that life can throw at you. I am learning despite all that as soon as I stop trying to carry it all I can move on from that mind set. The picture above are motivational quotes that I framed. I have the bible close by to help with that mindset too!
I can still make this place a sanctuary where I welcome people in. I can enjoy my living spaces and make a place where others enjoy. It will take some time, money and creativity. Little by little month by month I can get somewhere. Starting with one rewarding space to the next. Fix one little thing here and there what ever money will allow. No longer looking at the what is but the can be. Overlook the cracks..the imperfections that are out of our control. Do what you can do and move on.
January was the month to work on my kitchen and dinning area plus office area. I cleaned out my refrigerator. I also put together a little office space for me in the dinning area. You can transform anything and make it new, Personalize it. This is my place where I plan my day.
I did run out of January still more to do. This month I will be working on my living room. I should be done before the month is over so once finished I will finish doing what I wanted to do in Kitchen/dinning/office area. Just taking it step by step and month by month. Hope you will join me and visit here often. I'll check in and let you know how things are progressing at end of this month or beginning of next. (please over look my typo's as well heehee :)
"God opens the windows of heaven and showers us with joy!" -this is written on the watering cane above
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
God is doing a work in us ALL. HE takes a broken vessel and makes it anew. A broken vessel we ALL are. So why are we so quick to condemn our brother or even back hand them?? WE are being formed and are NOT complete. If WE seek our heavenly Father for guidance and direction then WE are a WORKING PROGRESS. Let US NOT back hand one mans beliefs to upgrade or prove our own. LIVE and LET G-d do the moving, molding, and revealing. Let us humble our own selves unto the L-RD.
We are journey men(women)traveling along, learning, growing. Our eyes do NOT see what the Fathers eyes see...the shaping within ones heart. What is today will be gone tomorrow.
I am learning to spend much more time opening my own heart to G-d and pray for others. It is OUR ACTIONS that SPEAK louder than our words. Less words more ACTION lord I pray. Today I pray my greatest desire of all is to learn to truly love with the FATHERS love. I pray that the LORD will process my heart that I may bring glory to HIS name. It is so easy to say or think this. But to surrender my whole heart to HIM and to NOT keep one ounce to myself....ha not easy.
He has a beautiful and amazing plan for our lives...we are NOT to process the lives of others but let G-d process our own hearts and souls so that life plan can be born and multiplied. When one sees G-d's work in us the LOVE of G-d can be heard.
When you think about it ALL of our hearts are wounded in some way or another. To process there most be healing. Let us let G-d heal our hearts and bring life back into our hearts, again and again. Amen. This is a process....Tonight when we go to bed when it is quiet may we experience the touch of the Father on our hearts once again and make it new.
Process My Heart Oh G-d for YOU are my everything.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Process or processing (verb) typically describes the action of taking something through an established and usually routine set of procedures or steps to convert it from one form to another
Today is brought to you by the letter J....:)
What we are starting to do with my 4 year old is learning with Sesame Street. Monday on Netflix he watches Sesame Street. Then the rest of the week will work on the letters and shapes that was shared on Sesame street. For instance today on Sesame Street he learned the letter J so all week we will work on the letter J...Watch videos, color and write the letter J. We will do the same with colors and shapes etc.
Thanks for visiting NR School House...hope you come again!
Sing for joy, O heavens, exault, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted His people. ~Isaiah 49:13 ESV
I am a princess....
I dare you.....What you think I am chicken ;)
Oh no you don't...
Fine, I am sleeping in your bed....haha :)
Anna Rose better known as "Chicken" (my daughter nicknamed her chicken), came to us as an orphan. Click on Little Orphan Kitty To see her when she first came to live with us.
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
Time and time again I find myself not finishing what I started. Whether it is a project or simply a new routine...some how I always get off the band wagon. Finish what you started is just about getting back on that wagon. Life circumstances, excuses, and procrastination tend to knock us off track.
Oh dear there are so many I have falling off of. The exercising, healthy eating, organized schooling, house work routines for me and the kids...Man the list could go on and on. For now I choose to focus on getting organized within the home I think then all the others will run a bit smoother.
To help keep me motivated I am reading all I can on getting organized and praying for Gods wisdom and to be energized through out.
What I have started before is working room by room, I fell right off that wagon...That is okay because I am now back on....
The Month of January I will be working on my kitchen/dinning/office area. I will be De-cluttering, cleaning and organizing this space. I want functional, comfortable and clean!
Today I will work in the kitchen area...dishes, counter tops and cabinet spaces will be cleaned and organized. I too will map out my plan for the kitchen and dinning area on the calendar for the rest of the month to keep me moving in that wagon :)
I will keep you posted...That is if I finish what I started! Hope you will join me on finish what you started band wagon.
Thanks for stopping by Simply-R-road-We-Travel :)
HE brought My Heart Peace w/ Four legs
Posted by: Charity Gordon in a diabetic alert dog who leads the way, Simply Shiloh
One of my favorite things to blog about would be my sons diabetic alert dog Shiloh. She came to live with us when she was around 17 weeks. She is now almost 7 months. She is here to alert to my sons high BG's and low BG's. She is doing such a wonderful job and can't believe she will do even better as she gets older!! I can't even express my gratitude for having my little mans diabetic alert dog!!
Just this morning at around 7:00am my 4 year old came in and said, "Awh Shiloh just woke me up giving me kisses." As he stood there telling me this Shiloh stayed by his side...with a big yawn and wine then kept touching and licking John and looking at me as if to say "Well check our boy" So I did. His BG was 214. What a great catch!! :) I had been checking my little mans BG's through out the night(early morning) it stayed in the 100's kept watch in case he was to drop to low. To my surprise my little man had a high BG even before he ate breakfast. I love that girl...she is truly amazing and I know that she has some even more amazing events to come. I am so, so grateful for Warren Retriever Thank You LORD for bringing us a four legged guardian angel!!!
I named my little mans diabetic alert dog Shiloh because the name means peace or peaceful. With having children with type 1 diabetes at times in the middle of the night you feel as though that peace is taken away from you. No longer can you watch your child while sleeping and think how sweet how peaceful they are. In stead your heart stops for a moment so you check to see if they are sweating, then to see if moving and check their BG to make sure they are not at a dangerous low. Diabetic coma is a very real scare and threat to those with type 1 diabetes. You HAVE to be on guard!!
Shiloh is a way that God has given some of that peace back. She is also a reminder to look to my Father and rest in HIS arms. HE brings help in many ways, shapes and forms. Ahhhh PEACE....
If you would like to follow my little mans journey with his diabetic alert dog you can go here and be sure to "like" the page http://www.facebook.com/ShilohdiabeticAlertDogAndMe
Also I wrote a book "Shiloh Comes Home" this is just the beginning of a series of books I plan to write following their journey. Check out our book at http://www.amazon.com/Shiloh-Me-BK-Comes-Home/dp/1467938866/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1331124831&sr=1-1 please consider purchasing or sharing the link this will help us pay for training costs for the little mans life saving four legged friend. Thanks!
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel hope you come again
Charity Gordon