Momma little helper  

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Reflection of Who You Are  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Jesus be Jesus in me.....Looking into my reflection what do I see, who is it that is staring back at me? Some where in there can I see Jesus face? Do I leave even a trace? Or do I insist to stand alone? Am I ignoring the one who sits on the throne? Can you see love? Flying above me is there a white dove? The finger of God reaches down and touches the still waters that brings about ripples of change. Patience.......Kindness......long-suffering.....slow to recording of self seeking.....boasting and pride trickles away....against all evil.....rejoicing in truth....The finger of God comes down and touches the waters....protecting....trusting....preserving....Jesus be Jesus in me.....Love lift me again and again for the life of a friend

By Charity Gordon ©

Science Project  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

Lil Orphan kitty ~Our Science Project

We are learning about caring for an orphan kitty. First let me explain how little kitty became an orphan. Kitty's momma gave birth to 4 kittens at an elderly ladies house across the street from us. The momma is actually our outside kitty though it has two homes. Mommy kitty goes back and forth across the street. The elderly lady also feeds other cats in neighborhood. That comes to her house and sometimes lets them come in. Anyway Momma kitty had her kittens in my neighbors house. We noticed that momma kitty no longer had a big tummy so we went to see if she had them at our neighbors and sure enough she did. We saw all four of them a light gray kitten, dark gray, gray and white and a black one. All for were handled. We left and the next day she came to me and said she ate her kitten!! She said she saw one in her mouth and another disappeared. She didn't know if momma got the other or one of other cats. There were only two left one dark gray and one black. We didn't know what to do. I thought I would take one home and feed it and she feed the other. We didn't know what the best thing to do for it. I went and got kitten formula and bottles. I tried to feed them but they wouldn't eat. I was afraid they wouldn't eat and they would die. We decided to let kittens stay with Mom and my neighbor would keep a watch on them. The next day we find that the gray one was killed then was gone. So we was left with one. So I took it home and we have been caring for it since. I never heard of a situation like this but here we are...

So the kids science project is born :) We are Learning how much formula to give the kitten

Lil is needing 32 cc a day and is to be fed around six times a day.

Today my 10 year old will document how to care for a newborn kitten she will continue to help with caring for the kitten as well as my 14 year old daughter.

So far we have learned that mommy cats not only lick them to clean them but they too do this to stimulate them. Help them use the rest room. They do not go on their own at this age.

lil orphan kitty has been eating good out of the bottle. Though I am afraid that it may have been a bit over fed. lil is urinating fine though I have not seen a bowl movement so kind of concerned about that. Today we will go on a field trip to the pet shop to find something to help lil go. My 10 year old does not like when we talk of this subject but it is an important one. We learn the health of the kitty when we take note of these things. If not urinating this would mean she was dehydrated and not eating well. We know that our lil is eating enough and is strong. Tummy is rounded so may be bloated due to too much eating and no bowl movements.

Another thing we have learned is bottle fed kittens need to be burped after feedings as well! Much like a newborn baby.

Eyes open in about 7 days and ears stick up in about 2 weeks. We have had kittens before but never like this. So it is a big project and lots of new things to learn. My 14 year old is growing very fond of lil she does around two to three feedings and I do the rest another 3 to 4 feedings. She is thinking of names and even found a song for kitty. I think kitty is a girl looks that way now but when they get older sometime you realize you are wrong. So I am not saying for sure yet. Here is the song my daughter has dedicated to kitty....We have already grown very fond of kitty.

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel here NR School house and checking out our science project....come again

Evidences of Love Part 2  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

On Evidences of Love Part 1 I gave 3 points of evidences of love that I had previously heard from a sermon. In part 1 I focused on the first point and/or question to ask yourself 1) Do you value God more then anything else. I could easily say yes but when I examine my actions I had to admit I wasn't leaving behind much evidence. I could really see how some things I showed more value to that time with my heavenly father. My task was to work on that. Some Christians recognize Lent...It is a time to put much focus on Christ and what he did for us on the cross. The definition of Love right there in Christ...ahhh there is evidence of love! Also this is a time to reflect on oneself and the sins in our lives a time to come back to Christ repent and come to the cross. To be moved by the love and grace of God a time to give up things like time of fasting and such in scripture. Anyway I have been spending more time in devotion to God during lent which I believe can bring about more evidences of love. One being Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic

Now we are to the second point and/or question 2)Do you love His people...What evidences of love am I showing to Gods people. One place to be surrounded by Gods people is in church. Yes it is a place full of sinners too...We need to be in church encouraging one another in the Lord in love. We need to be there for each other. We need to stop murmuring about one another. We need to stop dividing ourselves getting in our little groups. Reach out to all feed Gods people with love and compassion. Yes I know there are those who may need a good talking to but everything should be done with sensitivity and remember our own actions always speaks louder than our words. We should get more involved in the lives of others. Depending on our calling as well as other callings. Then there is uhmmm being there showing up. This is a first and for most for me and am not happy to admit. There was a time in my life that I wouldn't miss a day. With many different happening in my life that I won't get into right now, I have found myself out of church. So this is what I will be spending time in prayer about that God will lead my family to the church we are to be in at this time and keep us there. I can express my love to Him and his people in a church where his people gather as well as other places. Praying God opens my eyes and my heart, direct my steps and words that our spoken may they be spirit led.

Lord we pray that your love shine through us...Amen.

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel please stop by again within the next month or so I will share my pondering on part 3 and may we ponder together.

LiL Orphan Kitty  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

The Simple Woman's Daybook 3/22/11  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

For Today . ..

Outside my window . . . Well now it is dark and earlier it was windy

I am thinking . . . How could a momma kitty eat her kittens?!!??

I am thankful for . . .The one kitten that made it

From the kitchen . . . sweet potatoes, pork chops, and corn on the cob

I am wearing . . . Blue jeans and T-shirt

I am remembering . . . the other three little kitties

I am going . . . to be trying to bottle feed a kitten every two hours

I am reading . . . the bible, lent devotional, Lamb of God devotional

I am hoping . . . the kitten will get use to the bottle and eat well

I am creating . . . a home for an orphan kitty

I am hearing . . . a TV

I am noticing . . . I have been a bit cranky lately

Around the house . . . there is always work to be done

One of my favorite things . . . reading

Plans for the week . . .course work, house work, homeschooling and caring for a kitten

Pondering these words . . . Never give up

Scripture thought . . . "17 Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example." Philippians 3:17

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you

Enjoy 100's of other Daybooks at Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook!

Failing is not Failure  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

"Be courageous! Whatever setbacks America has encountered, it has always emerged as a stronger and more prosperous nation...."
"Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith and go forward" Thomas Alva Edison"

I actually love Mondays because of my KW class I go to. Learning to be successful as an real estate agent and really in all that we do. A very healthy diet for the mind and even our faith. Coaching of the mind if you will then exercising positive thoughts which brings about gratitude which brings about actions and then results.

We often don't take steps towards our goals and dreams or anything at that matter due to fears of falling and fears of failure. We must see falling as a good thing. We become stronger and we try again, learn from mistakes and try again and again. In class we were reminded of well known people who accomplished great things these people too failed many times. They did not give up they learned from their mistakes and tried again, and again and again. Thomas Edison was one of the people we talk of. One who failed many, many times before he invented the light bulb. We mustn't forget that people who are remembered for their great achievements did not get there over night, did NOT get there without failing, and did NOT get there without obstacles along the way. May we be inspired to keep reaching for the stars and know that in failing we are NOT failures but better through them when we learn from our failings and get back up and ask ourselves what can I do differently and begin doing again and again until we reach that star....

Check out this sight I found They Did Not Give Up

and here is a link on Thomas Edison

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BEE..autiful Day  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

The Simple Womens Daybook  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

For Today...I will be cleaning house and working on online course

Outside my window....My son, my daughter and her friend our playing

I am thinking....I need to get busy with the to do!!

I am thankful for....My family

From the kitchen...homemade cookies right out of the oven

I am jeans and a T-shirt

I am remembering....and praying for those effected by the earthquake and tsunami

I am get busy ummm as soon as I am done with my coffee

I am reading....Calm My Anxious Heart

I am hoping....for a cure for type 1 diabetes and a greater knowledge of the horrible disease

I am creating....a book

I am cat meowing...great I think she is in heat :/

I am noticing...we need to all learn to get along in love despite our differences and differences in belief...The love of Christ should bring us together instead we allow every little difference divide us.

Around the house...dishes and laundry are calling my name (don't they know any other name ;)

One of my favorite things....fellowship with family

Plans for the on course work, take kids to outdoor activity at the library and on Thursday visit with my in laws

Pondering these words...Contentment

Scripture thought...Turn my heart toward your statues and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; Preserve my life according to your word. (Psalms 119:36-37)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Enjoy 100's of other Daybooks at Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook!

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Posted by: Charity Gordon in

Monday is the day I usually go to class where you are encouraged to keep moving forward despite the obstacles. Today I didn't go to class. So I thought I would share a book with you that I am reading about contentment. Instead of telling you about the book I will just link you right to it where you can download your free book where you can start digging in.

I am sharing this with you because the book has been a blessing to me as well as Karla and Empowering Christian Women always so many tools she share for us to grow as women and....... it is FREE!!! Click link below

Calm My Anxious Heart

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel !!

Run as to Win  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

Every Monday I go to a class that basically helps you make goals and reach for them. You learn about healthy thinking. Great class that helps you stay focused on the important things, the positive things to be mindful of.

After class on the way home I thought about the scripture verse "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win." I Corinthians 9:24

If we go into everything we do with this way of thinking we would not quit and we would give it are all. Do your best regardless the obstacle, give your all no matter what. When we believe we can win we will continue the race.

This also got me thinking of my three year old who loves to win. If he knows he is going to win then anything at hand is not so bad. My 3 year old has type 1 diabetes and has to get 4 to 5 shots of insulin daily so does his brother my 16 year old. So it has become a game, a race who gets their shot done first is the winner. Of course my 16 year old always lets him win. The race and the win always encourages him to go ahead and get his shot. In fact just a few days ago he cried to get his shot yes that is what I said he cried because he wanted his shot. He saw his brother about to give himself a shot and he started crying telling me Josh was going to win needless to say we gave him his shot first and huraaaaay he won :)

OK so winning and being first isn't always the best to feel you must have though having that winning mentality pushes us forward takes our eyes off whats at hand as we keep running, keeping our eyes on the finish line, seeing ourselves cross the line before we even get there keeps us running that race.

As we run the race in our journey of life may we stay faithful and true to God and to those around us. May the love of God be that which keeps us energized and keeps us in motion, moving towards that line that God put in our life. As we cross one may we continue on to the next. Hitting that line again and again until the true finish line at the golden gates of as to win....BELIEVE

If we are not true and faithful to God then anything that we succeed in really doesn't matter in the end. Another thing that was mentioned is leaving a with this in mind start engraving your tombstone as you live this life now....who do you want to be remembered by....who's plan do you want to live by??

Thanks 4 stopping by RroadWeTravel!!

Charity Gordon

Learning the Presidents  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

Friday will be the day we show and tell what is going on NR School House. Last week and this week my girls have been working on learning all the names of the presidents in the order that they were in office. Today they will finish them all and should have them all memorized. They only lack a few of knowing all of them. My 14 year old is memorizing the full names and my 10 year old is memorizing last names with a song. We will be learning about each president too. So when we go through all presidents she will learn the full names. Anyway here is the video that has helped my 10 old learn the presidents.

There are other presidents songs but I like this one because it is sung slower and has the lyrics. My daughter felt she was to old for this one but it really made it easier to learn. We hope to teach the 3 year old next!

What is happening in your School House? Please do share!

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

Charity Gordon

LIL tec man  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

Evidence of Love Part 1  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

I think it was a couple weekends back where I was attending an online church service. Now I can't remember which one. I should have written this while everything was fresh on my mind.Though it is still on my mind so here we go. The pastor spoke of the evidences of love and made 3 points. Oh here found the church link

evidences of love ~ 1) Do you value Him more than anything else, realizing His value in your life and knowing Him.....2) Do you love Gods people...In scripture says if we love Him then tend His who does not love another does not love God....Are we a liar when we say we love God? Do you love His people..enjoy to be around all his people..visit them when they are sick....3) Do you keep His commandments....Scripture He says he who loves me keeps my word...Do we seek Christ in His say about each situation....Do you seek to obey His commands....Do you love Jesus Christ!! God forgives, God gives us the ability to change, Jesus gave us life through love, a love for us so great that He gave His own life so that we might live.........Meditate on Him pray and read scripture, receive His love daily and your love will grow for Him daily.

I have been thinking about evidences of love for God lately. Before this service I was really irradiated at someone who says they love God when clearly by their (secret) actions it is not so. When we allow things to get in between us and God like un-confessed sin that is NOT loving God. If one does not repent (turn from sin)then love is not there 'cause you are putting yourself first. Anyway this is for God to take care of on this particular person. This person can be doing some wrestling that I don't know about. What I see as deception may be something else. Or I could be right either way it is Gods business.I can't allow bitterness to build up must give back to God. So here we go it comes back to me and truly LOVE.

When reading scripture we really need to look in the mirror. I think far to often we "christians" think of someone else like oooh so and so really needs to see this scripture. In actuality the words should be speaking to the reader most of the time. Gods word needs to speak loud to us to bring about actions and our actions speak louder to others than our words. Anyway to the mirror.....Am I valuing anything more than God?? Am I placing something or someone above God?? How much do I give my valuable time to God?? Gulp....Am I really loving God with my whole heart, mind and soul?? If I am honest myself I really do need to make room for love, love for God. That means less of me for one. Less of all those things I want to do. First thing that comes to mind that I could cut down on is that wonderful thing called facebook. Often I go there before I pray or read scripture. I excuse myself because I know on there I will read some scripture through my newsfeed. Though I am not really giving that time to God. I need to give more of me. Another, am I putting my children before God. All that time and energy I poor into my children do I do the same to God?? After all the more love we pour toward God spill unto our children. So loving God is where we should begin. True Love!! So this is what I am seeing I need to truly whole heartily love God because He first loved me. I am not doing this...Our love must grow daily for Him...Love never fails, we fail to love!! Now that I see love must grow daily within me I must act upon that love for love is an action not a thought.

I am going to challenge myself, hope you join me, to truly love. I only touched on one point today. So I'll work on that one point. Next week I will touch on the second point of love. Challenge....Less of me more of Him. First act; 3 day break from facebook. I will begin tomorrow since I already was on there today. What is God calling you to give up or use or do less of?? Lets put God first!

Join me and take action and truly Love!! May we not be liers but lovers of our Lord, by the grace of God...<3

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