Natures Sun Shine  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Wow i have not been to good about posting, would really like to work on posting daily. Anyway today i would like to post about my buisness a win win situation, how and why i got started.

I'm an independent distributor for Nature's Sunshine Products. Nature's Sunshine offers over 400 high-quality vitamin, mineral and herbal products.

Real health (Natural Health) has sparked a great interest for me. Having two children with Chronic illness's has really led me to Learning and living the Naturaly Healthy life style. First working towards getting educated from Shonda Parker and trying one day at a time to live and eat healthy. In this walk toward healthy living i came across Haley on twitter @haysters then found her wonderful blog at such and encouraging soul one whom i too can learn so much from. While connectiong with Hayley i learned she is Cleansing and Natural Health Consultant. specializing in helping people obtain the health benefits of cleansing using natural foods and products. She also provide general assistance in recommending the right Nature's Sunshine products for your health.

I new i needed to start eating healthier and feeding my family healthier. I often found that vitamins was just to expensive for my family of 7. Thinking we will eat right and get all those needed vitamins. I have since then found much easier said than done. In our society today it is next to impossible to get the vitamins you need without doing some supplementing. Also it is a long process to stop my unhealthy addictions and bad habbits and then try and inforce them on the rest of the family. Then getting the right amount of daily nutrients is another long process. I also have a son that takes medication he needs an extra boost do to the medication. So as you see i relized very quickly that supplements is a nessity along with healthy eating and exercise. So i decided to start buying for my family and found that through Natures Sunshine i can not only buy but sell as well and by becoming a member i too could get a descount!! I learned that As a Member, i could enjoy company-sponsored product and business training, world-class events and exotic vacations around the globe. With a recognition program acknowledging efforts as I develop new skills and talents while sharing improved health and prosperity with others. This to me is an all around healthy choice and another way to share the health :) So i jumped on board with Hayley. God keeps bringing me to some wonderful people what blessing and great opportunities on this healthful journey. Also am excited to learn and grow with Natures Sun Shine. You can find me with Natures Sun Shine on twitter @Luvnatureshine and on FB at this is a place where I tweet,RT or post healthful info. Hope you will join me and be blessed!

A Ministry is Born  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

A Ministry is Born

God has placed in us a life of love. There will be months of preparation we will no longer fit in our old cloths nor will we keep our comfort zone. A life of healthy living is allowing that love to grow, mature and be born. The more love grows within us the more discomfort will come! What is your calling? Let love live and you will see! As we nurture our relationship with God we nurture the love within us for God is love. As we practice loving-kindness we are feeding a ministry within us just waiting to be born. We must relize that we christians our pregnant with a calling upon our lives and we bare a gift, a gift from God. We must not give up in our long months of discomfort nor be impatient of the coming of that day when that gift is born. We have a calling in our lives. As the days come when we fight with pain and dispair, you must indure till the end for this could be labor pains! Rejoice my friends for in the end a ministry will be born!! This ministry that God has purposed for your life will bring peace and joy and will touch other lives and will Glorify God. Press on press on, press on till the end by the grace of God you can make it through and in the end the face of God will be smiling back at you!

by Charity Gordon