Must Keep Afloat  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

When your a diabetic I imagine it like your being pulled downstream. At one minute carefree and going with the flow, then the next minute struggling to grab hold of something to safety, desperately trying to gain some kind of control. As a mother it is like I am on land and I see my child struggling down stream. I can't get to him and bring him to shore...So all I can do is give some encouraging words, "You can do it," and some direction, "Look over there try grabbing hold of that" or...."hang on"!!!! How painful it is to know at any given moment in there struggles they can go under. Swimming after a high blood sugar and low blood sugar. Trying to keep it under control. No matter what some how always falling short at least here or there. Then there is the middle of the night when sound asleep the BG can not only go very high but very low pulling your child under. Ones life is threatened...must keep afloat!!!

So you can imagine my excitement when I here of diabetic alert dogs! If I had one of these I can do more for my children, I can throw them a life jacket! A diabetic alert dog can help keep my children afloat being forewarned of highs and lows how amazing is that!!

So needless to say I am looking into getting a "life jacket" and I am sure you will here more. If you too need a "life jacket" or know someone who does you can check out these links. Here is a FB page Warren Retrievers A website Guardian Angel Services Another website Diabetic Alert Dogs

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel NR Diabetic World

Charity Gordon

Tightening up the Reigns  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

I tend to be a bit of a push over sometimes. I don't like confrontation or tension. I also tend to take the weight of the whole world on my shoulders. Putting all responsibilities on myself and allowing others to place responsibilities on me. Which can be overwhelming and paralyzing all at the same time. I am wising up though and giving back some of the responsibilities to others. EVERYTHING is not my responsibility. As I realize that some of the weight is lifted and I no longer feel paralyzed freeing me to get at that which is my responsibilities with ease. I could write a whole other post on this subject.

As I tighten the reigns on some of my responsibilities I too am tighten the reigns of responsibility on my children.

On an earlier post Gearing Up For Better Habits Than the Average Kitty I shared about working on my habits and routines. Now I am working on getting my children to get the same concept. They don't have a long list like mine. The each have a territory, one daughter the dinning room, the other daughters territory is the bathroom, my toddler and I worked together on the living room, that they are in charge of. My girls also have kitty litters to change (they each have their own kitty so they each have a litter to change) and they must keep there rooms clean. My son help me with my little guy as part of his routine plus he must keep his room clean. If they do their chores for 21 days straight they get $21 dollars. They can also change one of their routines and choose a different chore from a list if they want.

I would like to say things are running smoothly but they are not. Though I don't expect it too until we reach 21 days. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Just as it is hard for me to stay on top of things consistently it is the same for our children. So just because it is hard doesn't mean we need to quit and try something else. No we must keep at it. Things WILL get easier. Might have to critique little things here and there but mostly just keep at it. There will be obstacles, that is OK jump them :)

I let the children know what is expected of them and that once they get to 21 days they will be rewarded and things will be so much easier. No nagging no yelling some gentle reminders here and there. So far two of my children weren't doing their chores. So I kept track..1day...2days...3days...OK time for consequences. Now they are unable to do their favorite things for three days. For them they can not get on the computer for three days. If they continue not to do chores then I keep adding another day. One of them is getting back on track the other is being a bit more stubborn. That's OK I am sticking to the reigns for her and for myself. We are all going to have off days and forming good habits never come easy. It will take training and patience for all of us. Must keep going....

I have another child who has done her work three days in a row. It will take work for us all to get to that 21 days (and of course keep going) but if we tighten up the reigns and keep at them we will get there and things will get so much easier. One because it will just become a habit and two, keeping it up daily means less build up. So Getty up lets go :)

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

While your at it how about blog hopping :)

Writing On The Wall  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

This is a project I have been wanting to do for ever and I finally did it!! The hallway was just screaming chalkboard :) So I finally bought some chalkboard paint. I was needing to paint all of the hallway a new coat of paint so I got more paint for the rest of the hallway and the chalkboard paint and went at it...

My son takes a step back to see what an awesome job he has done.

I really needed to sand the wall first but didn't want to take that extra step. It is still workable even without the extra step. Though if you ever decide to do this you may want to take that extra step. I have some paint left over so I want to make a couple of smaller boards. You can use picture frames and such. What ever you want.

Time to pull that red tape off....

And there is the finished project! I recycled some old trim I had to put at the top and bottom. Now my children can be writing on the wall :)

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel.....

Today I joined a link-up party with Women Living Well....Click on Link below and see what other Ladies are up too


Posted by: Charity Gordon

Yesterday out of the blue, one minute fine the next minute not, the little man spiked a high grade fever. 103.5 under arm. So I put a cool wash rag over his head and gave him a fever reducer. He started feeling a lot better. Seemingly back to his energized self. Then in the middle of the night a fever again this time a little less but still a high one. So again with the fever reducer. By morning he felt great with no fever. So far all day no fever. He has begged me all day to let him play outside. I kept entertaining him inside. Now at the end of the day since he is still feeling well I am letting him go out for a bit.

He has no signs of anything else going on not sinus junk no nothing. Only thing he said was his head hurt, which I am sure is due to the high fever and said he had tummy ache. when fever was gone his headache was gone. And today a funkey BM which he tends to have every now and then. I really think he may have some kind infection GI related due to his history. What ever it is very puzzling....

Thanking God for a good day today and praying for more of them. BG are getting better too. They were pretty high when he had high fever. Now they are looking better and better.

That is all for now Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

A to Z of Why I Homeschool  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

I read on homeschool website or blog the A to Z of Why I homeschool. I forgot sorry I can't give you a link. Though I thought I'd give it ago.

A. Because I am already a teacher for my children, a principal and a nurse why not go full time

B. Why not they are my children

C. Having two children with chronic illnesses, no worries of getting behind in school.

D. Don't have to take time in my busy schedule to explain why my child is sick (when my kids are sick they are needing me not me on the phone giving explanations) I already know

E. At home it is all about my kids learning not about competition, high scores, tests, or money.

F. History from the Bible can be included

G. Peer pressure is out

H. Bulling is out

I. With home school the sky is the limit to learning there are endless possibility's

J. Can focus on each individuals strengths

K. Social skills are strengthened when you subtract the peer pressure, bulling and add love and encouragement this is possible at home

L. With home school groups, church and sports the social activities are endless (socializing is NOT and issue)

M. Can go what ever pace needed for each individual (can graduate early)

N. Can use different learning tools and styles to fit each individual.

O. LOts of support out there. The number of people home schooling are growing each year. Lots of help and support for the children and parents.

P. We all learn together

Q. Can go to lots of field trips

R. Vacation break any time of the year to fit our needs

S. Can give my children better lunch

T. My children can check their BG anytime anywhere no need ask to leave and go to the nurse

U. I become more aware of my childrens strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning when taught at home

V. "School" can go with you anywhere out of town on family visits. In a car in a dentist office. If you so choose it one moment home school another mobile school. Hey if we really wanted we could call it mobile school all the time after all it is. Can take school outside if ya want :)

W. Home school and our local homeschool group has actually brought us to socialize more....hows that for a shocker ha :)

X. Work actually gets done faster because you don't have to wait for bells to ring or other students to finish

Y. There is always room for improvement

Z. When you school at home you never miss a day because you are already there Ha :) There is lots of flexibility so if your child is sick you can put on a learning video on or sometimes they feel better parts of the day so you just can do work on a different part of the day. Doctors visits work around them. You don't have to miss a day. Snow day if you so choose still can get the work done.

Well I could just keep on going...but I am at z so stopping :)

Thanks for visiting NR School House hope you stop by again....

Getting Ready to School.....  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

School time is just around the corner and I am bound and determined to have at least a little bit better school year than last year. Planning a little bit each day. Getting ready ahead of time and I am actually excited about this year!! My littlest guy will begin pre-K, I think this age is fun to teach. Also thinking about actually putting together a "school room" we will see if I can pull that off or if I really want to do those little ideas floating in my head. I will have a preschooler, a 5th grader a 10th grader and a 12th grader. Lots to do to get everything ready and in place. Lots to choose from for each one of them. Anyway I thought I would share a few links with you. For those of you who also homeschool. this is what I am using for my younger two. This is FREE!! This too is FREE!!! I will use this for all of them. Homeschool Tracker software is a complete reporting, record keeping, tracking and planning software system to organize your lesson plans, assignments and reports for Windows. Plan and record assignments, reading lists, field trip reports, attendance, and print report cards, keep attendance records

And another awesome one

This is a great link for History. I am using it for my 10th grader and possibly my 5th grader

My 12th grader will be doing his school work with Ashworth College the James Madison Highschool

Glad you stopped to visit NR School House ....hope it was helpful to you!

Posing With the New Play Due : )  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

My daughter loves to play dress up.....

And pose for the camera :)

Gearing 4 Better Habits Than the Average Kitty  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

OK so I am Gearing 4 Better Habits Than the Average Kitty :)
Thought I'd share with you a copy of what I keep open on my labtop at all times. The routine list I talked about yesterday. I have it on wordpad. I want to get to 21 (21 days form a habit) days straight on each important routine so I started numbering (a friend of mine gave me this idea)the important or more difficult ones to follow. Once I get to 21 it should be a breeze and I can start working on some other areas. I also may critique some things as time goes on like a certain time for something to better fit family or needs or add/subtract something.

morning coffee no more than two cups 1
check Johns BG at 8:00 or 8:30 and write it down 1 2 (working on keeping it at this time)
Give John insulin at 8:30 or 9:00am 1 2 (working on keeping it at this time)
read 1 2
drink water 1
pray 1 2
write in journal 1 2
10 eat breakfast then at 10:30am wake Josh up to check BG eat breakfast and take (working on the time) meds 1
write down Josh's BG 1

wash dishes 1 2
wash face
brush teeth
straighten up living room 1
do course work 1
check Johns BG 1
wash dishes 1 2
drink water 1
blog 1 2

Netflix dance mix XerSIZE
lunch time
drink water
wash dishes
do course work
wash dishes
straighten living room
do course work

Dinner time
check Johns BG and have Josh check his and write down both
wash dishes
eat dinner
drink water
wash cloths 1 2
put away cloths
wash cloths
put away cloths

I always seem to drift away from "routine list" as day goes on find myself on a "routine down time" will be working on that as well. The day isn't over so hopefully more numbers will be going down :) I am also putting things at end of routine for things that need to be done that day and just checking them off.

Hope this gives you some ideas to help out your days...

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

Establishing good Habits and Routines  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit and only 3 to brake it.

I have a routine list I am working on. Things that need to be done and a few extras for fun. Once I finish one routine I highlight it and move on to the next. I had stopped doing this for a while now I am getting back to it because it really helps. Something new I am doing is counting up towards 21 days, after that it will be easy breezy and I won't even need to think about it. Though if I miss something even just one day I will start over. So I highlight put a #1 next to it. Then if I do it 2 days in a row I write a #2. So on and so forth. Miss a day have to start all over.

This helps us get the job done and in time becomes so much easier. A little before the children begin their school again I plan on fixing them up a routine also. Maybe I will reward them once they hit 21 days and of course they will have to keep going.

Mondays are a great day to start up those routines so go for may just make your life easier!

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