Strong Tower
PostedI have come to another one of those unexpected turns on our road we travel. Someone placed a "road closed" sign in my path. Why G-d I ask, I saw peace on that road I saw hope on that road..why have you allowed for it to be closed?" This is one of the things I have wrestled with lately. Sort of just pulled over had me a good cry. So now I must wipe away the tears and pull out my map and compass. "Where to now, LORD?" Which road do I take?? What about that person who wrongly put up the "road closed" sign? If anything how do I deal with it within my own heart? So here I am again at a place I am reminded that I just must trust G-d in ALL things and continue travelling along. One thing I KNOW is that G-d is always with me and that is a peace that can never be taken away.
So rain or shine putting my key in the ignition, starting up my car and taking off once again. Oh and LORD thank for filling up my tank again. Now where is that detour sign...ahhh I will just head toward that mountain. :) For you oh Lord are my strong tower and my guiding light.
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Charity Gordon
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