
Posted by: Charity Gordon

Yesterday out of the blue, one minute fine the next minute not, the little man spiked a high grade fever. 103.5 under arm. So I put a cool wash rag over his head and gave him a fever reducer. He started feeling a lot better. Seemingly back to his energized self. Then in the middle of the night a fever again this time a little less but still a high one. So again with the fever reducer. By morning he felt great with no fever. So far all day no fever. He has begged me all day to let him play outside. I kept entertaining him inside. Now at the end of the day since he is still feeling well I am letting him go out for a bit.

He has no signs of anything else going on not sinus junk no nothing. Only thing he said was his head hurt, which I am sure is due to the high fever and said he had tummy ache. when fever was gone his headache was gone. And today a funkey BM which he tends to have every now and then. I really think he may have some kind infection GI related due to his history. What ever it is very puzzling....

Thanking God for a good day today and praying for more of them. BG are getting better too. They were pretty high when he had high fever. Now they are looking better and better.

That is all for now Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

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