I think it was a couple weekends back where I was attending an online church service. Now I can't remember which one. I should have written this while everything was fresh on my mind.Though it is still on my mind so here we go. The pastor spoke of the evidences of love and made 3 points. Oh here found the church link www.countrysidebible.org
evidences of love ~ 1) Do you value Him more than anything else, realizing His value in your life and knowing Him.....2) Do you love Gods people...In scripture says if we love Him then tend His sheep...one who does not love another does not love God....Are we a liar when we say we love God? Do you love His people..enjoy to be around all his people..visit them when they are sick....3) Do you keep His commandments....Scripture He says he who loves me keeps my word...Do we seek Christ in His say about each situation....Do you seek to obey His commands....Do you love Jesus Christ!! God forgives, God gives us the ability to change, Jesus gave us life through love, a love for us so great that He gave His own life so that we might live.........Meditate on Him pray and read scripture, receive His love daily and your love will grow for Him daily.
I have been thinking about evidences of love for God lately. Before this service I was really irradiated at someone who says they love God when clearly by their (secret) actions it is not so. When we allow things to get in between us and God like un-confessed sin that is NOT loving God. If one does not repent (turn from sin)then love is not there 'cause you are putting yourself first. Anyway this is for God to take care of on this particular person. This person can be doing some wrestling that I don't know about. What I see as deception may be something else. Or I could be right either way it is Gods business.I can't allow bitterness to build up must give back to God. So here we go it comes back to me and truly LOVE.
When reading scripture we really need to look in the mirror. I think far to often we "christians" think of someone else like oooh so and so really needs to see this scripture. In actuality the words should be speaking to the reader most of the time. Gods word needs to speak loud to us to bring about actions and our actions speak louder to others than our words. Anyway to the mirror.....Am I valuing anything more than God?? Am I placing something or someone above God?? How much do I give my valuable time to God?? Gulp....Am I really loving God with my whole heart, mind and soul?? If I am honest myself I really do need to make room for love, love for God. That means less of me for one. Less of all those things I want to do. First thing that comes to mind that I could cut down on is that wonderful thing called facebook. Often I go there before I pray or read scripture. I excuse myself because I know on there I will read some scripture through my newsfeed. Though I am not really giving that time to God. I need to give more of me. Another, am I putting my children before God. All that time and energy I poor into my children do I do the same to God?? After all the more love we pour toward God spill unto our children. So loving God is where we should begin. True Love!! So this is what I am seeing I need to truly whole heartily love God because He first loved me. I am not doing this...Our love must grow daily for Him...Love never fails, we fail to love!! Now that I see love must grow daily within me I must act upon that love for love is an action not a thought.
I am going to challenge myself, hope you join me, to truly love. I only touched on one point today. So I'll work on that one point. Next week I will touch on the second point of love. Challenge....Less of me more of Him. First act; 3 day break from facebook. I will begin tomorrow since I already was on there today. What is God calling you to give up or use or do less of?? Lets put God first!
Join me and take action and truly Love!! May we not be liers but lovers of our Lord, by the grace of God...<3
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Thoughtful Thursday
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