The Sun is Hidden  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

The sun is hidden away and the night has come. It feels much like a dark dreary night when my children get sick especially my children who have TP 1 diabetes. The sinus junk has hit our home. At first it was not so bad the littlest who has diabetes even though coughing and congested seem to feel fine. Today I think it has finally caught up with him. My older son who has diabetes is also not feeling well. When ever these two get sick it really takes a toll on them. Seems to last longer than the rest and hit harder than the rest of the kids. There is a lot that one must consider with these two guys when they are sick. High BG and low BG they come more often when sick. Then there is diabetic ketones you have to worry about. It is a bumpier ride with many precautions to be made. Thankfully I am not sick and am able be there for everyone. The only sick I have is that feeling mommies get deep down in your gut when your child is not well. DH isn't feeling well either so we got three sickies (2 of them multiply times 2 for all the extra that has to be done with chronic illnesses) so that means putting this mommy on over drive for waiting on and and nurturing. Glad to though, I love, love, love my family!!! I would hate to be separated from my kids when they are sick it would be like the night without the moon and the stars. Praying they will get sunshine soon.....<3

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