
Posted by: Charity Gordon

Do I tell my teen age daughter what a good job she is doing? Do I find every opportunity to catch those right choices? Not nearly enough so, just the other day I decided to tell my daughter what a hard worker she was and such an eager person to learn about everything and anything. I am so proud of you I said!! She told me thank you sometimes that is all I need to here, with a big smile. So my goals is to make sure that every day I hand her lots of positive words for it is from those words people are given a boost to keep running. When one is running a race do we not cheer them on, you can do it, you’re doing great, keep going!! From this day forth I pledge to be my family’s cheerleader as we travel this road we are living…..

Soon after I wrote this a FB friend shared this video Facing the Giants……..awesome!! Lets cheer our family's on like that....

And don't forget God too is cheering you on.....Yes life is tough but God is right by your side and with Him you can make it!!

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