Sticking to It  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Good routines bring about a good day! Making that happen can be very challenging. So glad to report we had a good day! The whole day didn't feel good wasn't great could have given up. An overall good day means sticking to it.

On Saturday it seemed as though my children switch places. The one that was being a bit stubborn decided to get to work. The one that was doing the "good routines" more decide to throw a fit. Major tantrum "How could you make me do this" I think she said she even wanted to run away. She rather live by herself than clean that bathroom. She tried getting me to let her work on another part of the house. I said that she must keep what she is in charge of for 21 days straight. Then she would have the privileged to pick another job from a list I will have for her. So until then she must stick to it. During the whole tantrum I tried to keep my cool, no yelling, no running off myself. Just calmly speaking to her. She often wishes we could move into another house. I told her that we must take good care of little things so God can trust us with bigger things. I told her that there is scripture that talks about that very thing. I really believe one day we will have a house that doesn't have giant cracks in the house. But we must be thankful for what we have and take the best care of what we have. We really are fortunate and really should be grateful. She ask if we really would move one day I said yes but not until we take care of what we have and we too have a thankful attitude. So she got to work. We all got to work and got a lot done! Sunday is there day of rest so no work had to be done the next day.

Monday was a lot easier! After sticking to it the girls saw how easy things had become just a quick clean up very easy not so much to do.

On a future post I will share how we are keeping track of our work. For a little more encouragement....

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

Charity Gordon

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