School started on Monday...First year ever for the little man. I can tell already he is going to be a math wiz :)
On Wednesday...My little big mans 4th Birthday!! We also did a fundraiser to get the little man a diabetic alert dog which we will be doing more of and you will hearing more of in the future.
Then some arts and crafts....
Now it is time to get some work done around here...
We had a scare the other night the lows of all lows right before you slip into the unknown...UGH well here is what I shared a note on my personal FB page
"HORRIBLE MORNING...went to check on my 17yr old...he was drenched in exaggeration was like he had jumped in the pool with his cloths on...I had to force soda down him and force him to sit up..I did not even check his bg I went straight for some simple carbs...I would pour it down his mouth...he would drink and not drink..was not talking but eyes were open with a blank glucagon shot ready in case he stopped drinking while my son took over annd held him up and kept trying to get him to drink... I then also checked his BG it was 42 (I am sure it was even lower and had raised some since the drink)I came very close to having to call 911 in fact I got on the phone with the on call doctor....PRAISE GOD he is fine now he started responding to us after drinking some and finally sat up on his own and starting talking to us. He has now had two sandwiches with protein. BG is now at the 200s and he changed his cloths and went back to sleep. I am wide awake....THIS IS WHY I WANT A DIABETIC ALERT DOG I am not seeking to get a new pet for my son. I have two sons who have Type 1 diabetes(the dog could help both of them)...LOWS ARE A REAL SCARE!!!! I FREAK EN HATE DIABETES!!! THERE IS NO REAL CONTROL, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO THINGS CAN COME TO A DRASTIC TURN. Please pray for us, pray for protection for my children, pray for me, for strength, wisdom and more strength. Please pray that we get a Diabetic Alert Dog soon...If we had a dog we would have been alerted before it got that bad. I am constantly checking up on my kids through the night and check BG's....I have mommy instinct but that isn't always enough I need back up....Praying for that back up.......a Diabetic Alert Dog"
My son is doing great now...he went from doing really bad to really well in just a matter of minutes...That is life with diabetes. Moms of diabetic seem to take a little longer to recoup at times. I spent much of that day crying. It was very traumatic..the thought of seeing your child like that and doing everything you can to get him to come out of his low to get him to be coherent. The thoughts of how close we were to a ER visit and the unthinkable...thoughts of the reality of the horrible disease. UGH so that day I spent most of my time in tears...though I new I had to snap out of it I need to be in the now. Not what could have happen or even future what ifs...just the now. The now is my son is fine, Praise God!! The now is continue living life and doing what ever necessary to make things easier. Getting back to the regular day things that must be done. As well as continue my pursue to get a Diabetic alert dog. Continue chasing those BG continue with hope and confidence. Continue to learn all we can and continue to use what ever tool we can get that we think can help our children with diabetes. So I did a lot of praying and scripture reading and thank God by the next day I was up on my feet again.
The only way I can keep standing is to stand on the promises of God. Through Him I find joy and I am able to relax again an enjoy each moment I have with all my children....Putting my focus back on my Lord and savior Jesus Christ brings me peace after a storm. I am assured that "By the living word of God I (we) shall prevail...."
Well going to help keep my little man Afloat and do everything I can to help him get a Diabetic Alert Dog so the fundraiser begins...Help Me Stay Afloat says the little man :) We ask you if anything to please share.
I actually have two children who have type 1 diabetes. Mostly focusing on getting a Diabetic Alert Dog (DAD) for the little man right now. As his mother I want to do anything I can to help control BG's as safely as possible and prevent high bg and low bg as much as I can. With the DAD it would do exactly that. When I first heard of a DAD I was excited to learn more. The more I read about it and talk with others who had one or getting one the more I wanted to go forward with fundraiser. It is not about just getting another pet (we already have 2 cats and 2 dogs) not just a pet but so much more the DAD can help keep my guy afloat. The question isn't do we need another pet but do we need more help and can a DAD give us that help. The answer is a big YES!! Yes it is going to be A LOT of work but it will be worth it!!!
What made me not wait a minute longer was hearing of a child who passed away due to diabetes complications and another who was in and out of consciousness yesterday. The diabetic community on FB is wearing a blue candles on profile in memory of Emily who passed. Today this is a post from a FB friend ~ Once again, a sea of blue candles ~ Rest in Peace Emily Maki; a 14 year-old-young lady who just recently finished a fund raiser to help find a cure for herself and others. Also, the DOC lost a beautiful 18 year old girl today who was having lows all day yesterday. She just moved into her own apartment. Also, please pray for Lydia, 14, who is in sever DKA... God Bless all these families..♥♥♥
So thus begins our D alert dog seeking journey another ounce of hope to help our diabetic children stay afloat....
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
Good routines bring about a good day! Making that happen can be very challenging. So glad to report we had a good day! The whole day didn't feel good wasn't great could have given up. An overall good day means sticking to it.
On Saturday it seemed as though my children switch places. The one that was being a bit stubborn decided to get to work. The one that was doing the "good routines" more decide to throw a fit. Major tantrum "How could you make me do this" I think she said she even wanted to run away. She rather live by herself than clean that bathroom. She tried getting me to let her work on another part of the house. I said that she must keep what she is in charge of for 21 days straight. Then she would have the privileged to pick another job from a list I will have for her. So until then she must stick to it. During the whole tantrum I tried to keep my cool, no yelling, no running off myself. Just calmly speaking to her. She often wishes we could move into another house. I told her that we must take good care of little things so God can trust us with bigger things. I told her that there is scripture that talks about that very thing. I really believe one day we will have a house that doesn't have giant cracks in the house. But we must be thankful for what we have and take the best care of what we have. We really are fortunate and really should be grateful. She ask if we really would move one day I said yes but not until we take care of what we have and we too have a thankful attitude. So she got to work. We all got to work and got a lot done! Sunday is there day of rest so no work had to be done the next day.
Monday was a lot easier! After sticking to it the girls saw how easy things had become just a quick clean up very easy not so much to do.
On a future post I will share how we are keeping track of our work. For a little more encouragement....
We are a christian family simply traveling through. Where ever the Lord takes us. With, I am sure some wrong turns on our part, along the way. My husband and I have 5 awesome kids!!! From age 3 to 17. Two of our children have type 1 diabetes. My older child who has diabetes also has Addison's disease (adrenal glans does not produce enough adrenalin) and hashimoto's which has to do with the thyroid. We are currently homeschooling 3 of our children. We are learning to live love and laugh and lean on God through the good times and the bad. Hope you will join us on rroadwetravel.