
Posted by: Charity Gordon

I think fear grips most of us. Some of us have overcome some of our fears but with some fears still lingering on that we didn't even relize were there. I am relizing it is time to face fear! What is it that I fear? Having 2 children with type 1 diabetes as well as other autoimune diseases, I can say fear has slapped me in the face on just the health and well being of my children alone. Though the fear doesn't stop there for me, I am afraid of failure as a parent, wife, sister, neighbor, and child of God. Even though I know falling isn't failing. I am afraid to stand up for my faith at times 'cause I want everyone to like me, "people pleasier" Many times I am afraid to take a leap of faith and just trust God.

This is why I am so glad to here about the book Fearless by Max Lucado to find out how you can get a copy go to http://michaelhyatt.com/2009/08/book-notes-fearless.html I am racing to get mine!! :)

Thank you for stopping by and I pray that you have a fearless day :)

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