A dose of Jesus a day keeps our health @ bay  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

An apple a day keeps the doctor away or not. We must rely on the good physician our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for wisdom and strength to eat the good apples. What are the good apples and why are they so important for our bodies. We must first have that desire, nothing like pain to get you there.

Not without knocking me on my knees first being humble before God and then the desire for better health. The pain began as I saw my son sickness get worse rather than better. A stomach virus that wouldn't go away is how it all began. I've been through this before with the kids feeling bad for a little while, throw up a few times then all better, but this is not the way it went this time. He stopped throwing up but didn't get better. After just four days of being sick he was so weak he could not walk. Off to the doctor we went, I carried my 3rd grader into the doctors office. As soon as the visit was over we found it wasn't over. The doctor said to take my son to children's hospital right away!

To make a long story short he was hospitalized. They ran all kinds of tests on him. The pain set in as I watched my child sitting in the hospital bed not knowing what was wrong the what ifs the helplessness, the Dear God No! After about six days he was released from the hospital with one test still pending. After being home we had to rush him to the ER 3 separate times, due to throwing up and weakness. More pain, more what ifs, more Dear God No!! By the third ER trip the one pending test came back and while he was in the ER they ran more test to find out he had Addison's Disease. From an autoimmune disorder where his own immune system attack his adrenal glads causing him to not produce enough adrenalin.

He would have to be on medicine for the rest of his life they said. And anytime he would get sick he would need to take a stress dose (extra dose) to keep from it becoming another emergency situation. I was a little health conscious then but just a little. I defiantly found myself seeking God all the more, cause that's what we do right call on God when things are bad.

A few years went by we found that my son had hashimoto's and then not long after that he went in for regular endocrine checkup and did his usual blood work I ask them to check him for diabetes because of his excessive thirst, complaints of dry mouth and needing to go to the rest room a lot. Sure enough his blood glucose was 800 and something. He was hospitalized yet again we had to learn a new way of eating and how to give shots and how much insulin to give. More pain and more adjusting to a new way of life.

God got us through yet again. We had to be carbohydrate conscious, count those carbs to know how much insulin to give. Now eating "healthy" was even more on my agenda. After reading many books I realized eating healthy really meant getting as close to natural foods as possible. And of course bringing as much fruits and veggies in as possible.

Just as I was getting use to our way of life we were hit again this time my baby became ill. My 15 month son on Thanksgiving day was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was sure after this I was falling into depression as I had many bouts of tears. One minute I was like OK we can do this another minute I would be in tears I can't do this.

It didn't take too long for the joy to come back and my eagerness to eat healthy the more I learned the more I realized how I needed to get back to God. That He was my strength in all this, He was my greatest and most true source of health. It is with my Savior Jesus Christ who can give me guidance on this road of Healthful living it is he who will pick me up when I fall and yes I will fall. A dose of Jesus a day keeps our health at bay even if we lay sick in a hospital bed because with him we find peace and eternal life. Though this should not keep us from doing everything we can to be good stewards of our bodies seeking wisdom and guidance along the way. Asking in prayer that we may take action on that which we learn. May we put our full trust in our Lord Jesus and take a step of faith each day and every day towards healthful living. He is the tree of life it is from Him all good things were made. May we take a bite of the apples that come from Him. With a dose of Jesus we can gain the strength to walk away from the bad apples. Everyday is a journey may we walk together with him and bring forth that which is learned. May we walk towards whole health, body,spirit and mind. Jesus is the Way!

Thank you so much for stopping by I hope you will join me on the journey of Healthful living. I am learning as I go with my eyes on Jesus. Little steps and big steps, stumbled steps and all. Please come and visit me each day and I pray that each time you stop by you will be encouraged to take a bite out of the good apples straight from the hand of God.

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