Eight daily steps of simply living  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Lots of clutter with in, many things are distracting me from the straight and narrow path. Ok so how do we get started. I always have great ideas on getting my house in order and keeping it that way. There are all kind of intensions I have for my home as well as my spiritual life and my family life but I find my self with lead in my shoes. Can't pick those feet up. We will attempt to remove some of the led by simplifing our life but we will learn to walk with what can't be removed, things that might be out of our control or things that might just take time. Remember the whole process will take time anyway. Prayer and reading the bible are things that will help lighten our load.Jesus is the one who can carry our burdens. Another thing we need to do is confess our sins and give them to God. So that He can forgive us and free us from the bondage of sin. There's a big weight lifted there! "What can make us whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus" What can't be lifted let God help you carry ask this in prayer.
Let us give God each day and try these eight steps of simply living.

1st step~ start your mornings out with releaseing everything to God. "O Jesus, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day... Give him your whole heart, sins anxieties, concerns what ever is on your heart(or what you may be stuffing away) give it to God. Pray scripture. Look for good tools to help direct you.

2nd step~ spend an hour doing things you have been putting off. Stay focused on what needs your most urgent attention

3rd~ step outside yourself. What can you do for someone else. Write a letter, call a family member. Start putting aside money for someone in need. Put those words that you put into your heart and that comes out of your mouth, (the words of love) and put them into action. Reach out and hug someone. ((((HUGS)))

4th step ~ Fill up a big trash bag with things to give away and another one with things to throw away.

5th step~Take time to say another prayer. Hear is the Acceptance of God's Will, prayer. In all things may the most holy, the most just, and the most loveable will of God be done, praised and exalted above all for ever. Your will be done, O Lord, your will be done. The Lord has given; and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord now and always. Amen.(prayer taken from the Catholic Pocket Prayer Book)

6th step~take away one bad habbit and replace it with a good one

7th step~look at how you are manageing your time. Do some planning to help you use your time wisely. Are there things within our time frame that is distracting us from what really matters in life?

8th step~ Pray scripture before you go to sleep and say the Lords prayer and anything that is on your heart. Pray for others and give thanks to God.
May we give each and every day to God so that we may magnify Him and bless those around us. Let the Love of Christ shine through us as a living well that never runs dry. Amen.

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