Exercise a daily routine  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Lets make exercise be apart of our daily routine!!
Ok goal is for the new year to exercise and stick with it. Stick with it hmmmmmmmm i have a hard time sticking with stuff :) Often my modivation takes a hike when i should be hiking :) On thursdays(maybe twice a month) i hope to encourage you and be encourged to exercise. Exercise is soooooooooo important for the steps towards healthy living!

The merits of regular physical activity — from preventing chronic health conditions to promoting weight loss and better sleep — are hard to ignore. And the benefits are yours for the taking, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. Need more convincing? Check out seven specific ways exercise can improve your life. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/exercise/HQ01676

So are you going to join me come on lets do this together. Have you been putting it off like me? Or maybe you have are already started exercising but want to keep motivated. Those who have not started lets First come up with a plan. Are you going to exersize 3 days a week or every day? What time of day is best for you to do this? What types of exercize, Areobics,wii fit, the gym, walk, run? Are you going to get people to join you? Who, friends, family?

Me? I will need to exercise at night or in morning. I think i will use the wii fit. Once the weather is better i would like to walk and maybe get the whole family involved. Great way to spend time with family. Tonight when my little guy goes to sleep going to get that wii fit out. He won't be happy cause it has been a long time :) I will try and do some sort of exercise each day.
Lets grab the benefits of exercising and enjoy the ride!

Thank you for stopping by
Charity Gordon

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