Today is brought to you by the letter J....:)
What we are starting to do with my 4 year old is learning with Sesame Street. Monday on Netflix he watches Sesame Street. Then the rest of the week will work on the letters and shapes that was shared on Sesame street. For instance today on Sesame Street he learned the letter J so all week we will work on the letter J...Watch videos, color and write the letter J. We will do the same with colors and shapes etc.
Thanks for visiting NR School House...hope you come again!
Sing for joy, O heavens, exault, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted His people. ~Isaiah 49:13 ESV
I am a princess....
I dare you.....What you think I am chicken ;)
Oh no you don't...
Fine, I am sleeping in your bed....haha :)
Anna Rose better known as "Chicken" (my daughter nicknamed her chicken), came to us as an orphan. Click on Little Orphan Kitty To see her when she first came to live with us.
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
Time and time again I find myself not finishing what I started. Whether it is a project or simply a new routine...some how I always get off the band wagon. Finish what you started is just about getting back on that wagon. Life circumstances, excuses, and procrastination tend to knock us off track.
Oh dear there are so many I have falling off of. The exercising, healthy eating, organized schooling, house work routines for me and the kids...Man the list could go on and on. For now I choose to focus on getting organized within the home I think then all the others will run a bit smoother.
To help keep me motivated I am reading all I can on getting organized and praying for Gods wisdom and to be energized through out.
What I have started before is working room by room, I fell right off that wagon...That is okay because I am now back on....
The Month of January I will be working on my kitchen/dinning/office area. I will be De-cluttering, cleaning and organizing this space. I want functional, comfortable and clean!
Today I will work in the kitchen area...dishes, counter tops and cabinet spaces will be cleaned and organized. I too will map out my plan for the kitchen and dinning area on the calendar for the rest of the month to keep me moving in that wagon :)
I will keep you posted...That is if I finish what I started! Hope you will join me on finish what you started band wagon.
Thanks for stopping by Simply-R-road-We-Travel :)
HE brought My Heart Peace w/ Four legs
Posted by: Charity Gordon in a diabetic alert dog who leads the way, Simply Shiloh
One of my favorite things to blog about would be my sons diabetic alert dog Shiloh. She came to live with us when she was around 17 weeks. She is now almost 7 months. She is here to alert to my sons high BG's and low BG's. She is doing such a wonderful job and can't believe she will do even better as she gets older!! I can't even express my gratitude for having my little mans diabetic alert dog!!
Just this morning at around 7:00am my 4 year old came in and said, "Awh Shiloh just woke me up giving me kisses." As he stood there telling me this Shiloh stayed by his side...with a big yawn and wine then kept touching and licking John and looking at me as if to say "Well check our boy" So I did. His BG was 214. What a great catch!! :) I had been checking my little mans BG's through out the night(early morning) it stayed in the 100's kept watch in case he was to drop to low. To my surprise my little man had a high BG even before he ate breakfast. I love that girl...she is truly amazing and I know that she has some even more amazing events to come. I am so, so grateful for Warren Retriever Thank You LORD for bringing us a four legged guardian angel!!!
I named my little mans diabetic alert dog Shiloh because the name means peace or peaceful. With having children with type 1 diabetes at times in the middle of the night you feel as though that peace is taken away from you. No longer can you watch your child while sleeping and think how sweet how peaceful they are. In stead your heart stops for a moment so you check to see if they are sweating, then to see if moving and check their BG to make sure they are not at a dangerous low. Diabetic coma is a very real scare and threat to those with type 1 diabetes. You HAVE to be on guard!!
Shiloh is a way that God has given some of that peace back. She is also a reminder to look to my Father and rest in HIS arms. HE brings help in many ways, shapes and forms. Ahhhh PEACE....
If you would like to follow my little mans journey with his diabetic alert dog you can go here and be sure to "like" the page
Also I wrote a book "Shiloh Comes Home" this is just the beginning of a series of books I plan to write following their journey. Check out our book at please consider purchasing or sharing the link this will help us pay for training costs for the little mans life saving four legged friend. Thanks!
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel hope you come again
Charity Gordon