I can't believe my 4 year old sons diabetic alert dog is home!! Today makes it a week that she has been here!! She is already apart of the family and it feels as if she always has been. Though she is not just another part of the family she is so much more......She is here to bring us a safer and brighter future.
NOW and in the coming days she will bring and brings....
And more rest as she continues to learn the scent of a low BG and will alert me in the middle of the night...before it becomes dangerously low.
She gives us Comfort as she watches over my little man as he plays and will catch those high BG's and low BG's. Shiloh will let us know.
Shiloh on guard...
Care free John
Shiloh our guardian angel in disguise, truly a gift from above!
We are still raising funds to pay for her, if you would like to help you can go to Simply living RroadWetravel fundraiser
to donate.
If you or someone you know could benefit from a service dog go to http://www.warrenretrievers.com
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel with Simply Shiloh. Please stop by again, more adventures with Shiloh to come.
So I found a church that I absolutely love and so do my kids. I feel like home there and have been going regularly...
The DH works Sunday nights so sleeps during day and it makes it hard for him to attend church. Though he wants to start going now but wants to try a different one...ugh did I say I really like the one were going to!! Anyway it is good that he wants to start going and at least he has agreed to go to both for now...who knows he might be surprised and find that he falls in love with the church I have been going to as well. Mean while I am going to go to the church that he wants to go to on Sunday and we both can go to the one I like on Wednesday.
Going to pray for different hours for my husband...late, late, late night shift are hard. It would be nice to have those Sundays off as well. Praying for my marriage...we just got back together after a short separation.
Oh and this morning we actually missed any "church" because we over slept. Bummer I love being at church...I love being surrounded by other believers...I love hearing Gods word...I love church in its many forms!
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Charity Gordon and family
Well going to start the Love Dare, this should be interesting since my husband and I are recently separated. Won't go into it all now. Just want to say lots of up and down emotions. A lot of anger and resentment that I am feeling. I talk to a wonderful friend today who mentioned the Love Dare. I actually was given this book a few years ago though I think I passed it on to someone else after reading because I can't find it. Anyway my friend sent my thoughts toward the right direction and off I went to amazon and got it for my kindle.
Guess what the first day talked about...It was anger and patience. The two I need to work on through this whole situation.
Love Is Patience
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. -Ephesians 4:2 NIV
Today's Dare
Resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.
Today I think I met this dare some what in just starting this because I have a lot of anger and resentment toward my husband and really feel like just being done with it all. I took my eyes off those feelings and onto Love the action.
The Dh came over today to pick up one of my daughters I guess while he was hear I showed some patience...though I do believe resentment was there with me as well.
There is a lot of healing that needs to be done in me and also needs to be done in my husband this healing is going to take some time so this is something I will need to be patient with as well.
That is all for now thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
School started on Monday...First year ever for the little man. I can tell already he is going to be a math wiz :)
On Wednesday...My little big mans 4th Birthday!! We also did a fundraiser to get the little man a diabetic alert dog which we will be doing more of and you will hearing more of in the future.
Then some arts and crafts....
Now it is time to get some work done around here...
BYE :)
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"By the living word of God I (we) shall prevail...."
Posted by: Charity Gordon in NR Diabectic WorldWe had a scare the other night the lows of all lows right before you slip into the unknown...UGH well here is what I shared afterward...in a note on my personal FB page
"HORRIBLE MORNING...went to check on my 17yr old...he was drenched in sweat..no exaggeration was like he had jumped in the pool with his cloths on...I had to force soda down him and force him to sit up..I did not even check his bg I went straight for some simple carbs...I would pour it down his mouth...he would drink and not drink..was not talking but eyes were open with a blank stare...got glucagon shot ready in case he stopped drinking while my son took over annd held him up and kept trying to get him to drink... I then also checked his BG it was 42 (I am sure it was even lower and had raised some since the drink)I came very close to having to call 911 in fact I got on the phone with the on call doctor....PRAISE GOD he is fine now he started responding to us after drinking some and finally sat up on his own and starting talking to us. He has now had two sandwiches with protein. BG is now at the 200s and he changed his cloths and went back to sleep. I am wide awake....THIS IS WHY I WANT A DIABETIC ALERT DOG I am not seeking to get a new pet for my son. I have two sons who have Type 1 diabetes(the dog could help both of them)...LOWS ARE A REAL SCARE!!!! I FREAK EN HATE DIABETES!!! THERE IS NO REAL CONTROL, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO THINGS CAN COME TO A DRASTIC TURN. Please pray for us, pray for protection for my children, pray for me, for strength, wisdom and more strength. Please pray that we get a Diabetic Alert Dog soon...If we had a dog we would have been alerted before it got that bad. I am constantly checking up on my kids through the night and check BG's....I have mommy instinct but that isn't always enough I need back up....Praying for that back up.......a Diabetic Alert Dog"
My son is doing great now...he went from doing really bad to really well in just a matter of minutes...That is life with diabetes. Moms of diabetic seem to take a little longer to recoup at times. I spent much of that day crying. It was very traumatic..the thought of seeing your child like that and doing everything you can to get him to come out of his low to get him to be coherent. The thoughts of how close we were to a ER visit and the unthinkable...thoughts of the reality of the horrible disease. UGH so that day I spent most of my time in tears...though I new I had to snap out of it I need to be in the now. Not what could have happen or even future what ifs...just the now. The now is my son is fine, Praise God!! The now is continue living life and doing what ever necessary to make things easier. Getting back to the regular day things that must be done. As well as continue my pursue to get a Diabetic alert dog. Continue chasing those BG continue with hope and confidence. Continue to learn all we can and continue to use what ever tool we can get that we think can help our children with diabetes. So I did a lot of praying and scripture reading and thank God by the next day I was up on my feet again.
The only way I can keep standing is to stand on the promises of God. Through Him I find joy and I am able to relax again an enjoy each moment I have with all my children....Putting my focus back on my Lord and savior Jesus Christ brings me peace after a storm. I am assured that "By the living word of God I (we) shall prevail...."
Well going to help keep my little man Afloat and do everything I can to help him get a Diabetic Alert Dog so the fundraiser begins...Help Me Stay Afloat says the little man :) We ask you if anything to please share.
I actually have two children who have type 1 diabetes. Mostly focusing on getting a Diabetic Alert Dog (DAD) for the little man right now. As his mother I want to do anything I can to help control BG's as safely as possible and prevent high bg and low bg as much as I can. With the DAD it would do exactly that. When I first heard of a DAD I was excited to learn more. The more I read about it and talk with others who had one or getting one the more I wanted to go forward with fundraiser. It is not about just getting another pet (we already have 2 cats and 2 dogs) not just a pet but so much more the DAD can help keep my guy afloat. The question isn't do we need another pet but do we need more help and can a DAD give us that help. The answer is a big YES!! Yes it is going to be A LOT of work but it will be worth it!!!
What made me not wait a minute longer was hearing of a child who passed away due to diabetes complications and another who was in and out of consciousness yesterday. The diabetic community on FB is wearing a blue candles on profile in memory of Emily who passed. Today this is a post from a FB friend ~ Once again, a sea of blue candles ~ Rest in Peace Emily Maki; a 14 year-old-young lady who just recently finished a fund raiser to help find a cure for herself and others. Also, the DOC lost a beautiful 18 year old girl today who was having lows all day yesterday. She just moved into her own apartment. Also, please pray for Lydia, 14, who is in sever DKA... God Bless all these families..♥♥♥
So thus begins our D alert dog seeking journey another ounce of hope to help our diabetic children stay afloat....
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
Charity Gordon
Good routines bring about a good day! Making that happen can be very challenging. So glad to report we had a good day! The whole day didn't feel good wasn't great could have given up. An overall good day means sticking to it.
On Saturday it seemed as though my children switch places. The one that was being a bit stubborn decided to get to work. The one that was doing the "good routines" more decide to throw a fit. Major tantrum "How could you make me do this" I think she said she even wanted to run away. She rather live by herself than clean that bathroom. She tried getting me to let her work on another part of the house. I said that she must keep what she is in charge of for 21 days straight. Then she would have the privileged to pick another job from a list I will have for her. So until then she must stick to it. During the whole tantrum I tried to keep my cool, no yelling, no running off myself. Just calmly speaking to her. She often wishes we could move into another house. I told her that we must take good care of little things so God can trust us with bigger things. I told her that there is scripture that talks about that very thing. I really believe one day we will have a house that doesn't have giant cracks in the house. But we must be thankful for what we have and take the best care of what we have. We really are fortunate and really should be grateful. She ask if we really would move one day I said yes but not until we take care of what we have and we too have a thankful attitude. So she got to work. We all got to work and got a lot done! Sunday is there day of rest so no work had to be done the next day.
Monday was a lot easier! After sticking to it the girls saw how easy things had become just a quick clean up very easy not so much to do.
On a future post I will share how we are keeping track of our work. For a little more encouragement....
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Charity Gordon
When your a diabetic I imagine it like your being pulled downstream. At one minute carefree and going with the flow, then the next minute struggling to grab hold of something to safety, desperately trying to gain some kind of control. As a mother it is like I am on land and I see my child struggling down stream. I can't get to him and bring him to shore...So all I can do is give some encouraging words, "You can do it," and some direction, "Look over there try grabbing hold of that" or...."hang on"!!!! How painful it is to know at any given moment in there struggles they can go under. Swimming after a high blood sugar and low blood sugar. Trying to keep it under control. No matter what some how always falling short at least here or there. Then there is the middle of the night when sound asleep the BG can not only go very high but very low pulling your child under. Ones life is threatened...must keep afloat!!!
So you can imagine my excitement when I here of diabetic alert dogs! If I had one of these I can do more for my children, I can throw them a life jacket! A diabetic alert dog can help keep my children afloat being forewarned of highs and lows how amazing is that!!
So needless to say I am looking into getting a "life jacket" and I am sure you will here more. If you too need a "life jacket" or know someone who does you can check out these links. Here is a FB page Warren Retrievers A website Guardian Angel Services Another website Diabetic Alert Dogs
Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel NR Diabetic World
Charity Gordon
I tend to be a bit of a push over sometimes. I don't like confrontation or tension. I also tend to take the weight of the whole world on my shoulders. Putting all responsibilities on myself and allowing others to place responsibilities on me. Which can be overwhelming and paralyzing all at the same time. I am wising up though and giving back some of the responsibilities to others. EVERYTHING is not my responsibility. As I realize that some of the weight is lifted and I no longer feel paralyzed freeing me to get at that which is my responsibilities with ease. I could write a whole other post on this subject.
As I tighten the reigns on some of my responsibilities I too am tighten the reigns of responsibility on my children.
On an earlier post Gearing Up For Better Habits Than the Average Kitty I shared about working on my habits and routines. Now I am working on getting my children to get the same concept. They don't have a long list like mine. The each have a territory, one daughter the dinning room, the other daughters territory is the bathroom, my toddler and I worked together on the living room, that they are in charge of. My girls also have kitty litters to change (they each have their own kitty so they each have a litter to change) and they must keep there rooms clean. My son help me with my little guy as part of his routine plus he must keep his room clean. If they do their chores for 21 days straight they get $21 dollars. They can also change one of their routines and choose a different chore from a list if they want.
I would like to say things are running smoothly but they are not. Though I don't expect it too until we reach 21 days. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Just as it is hard for me to stay on top of things consistently it is the same for our children. So just because it is hard doesn't mean we need to quit and try something else. No we must keep at it. Things WILL get easier. Might have to critique little things here and there but mostly just keep at it. There will be obstacles, that is OK jump them :)
I let the children know what is expected of them and that once they get to 21 days they will be rewarded and things will be so much easier. No nagging no yelling some gentle reminders here and there. So far two of my children weren't doing their chores. So I kept track..1day...2days...3days...OK time for consequences. Now they are unable to do their favorite things for three days. For them they can not get on the computer for three days. If they continue not to do chores then I keep adding another day. One of them is getting back on track the other is being a bit more stubborn. That's OK I am sticking to the reigns for her and for myself. We are all going to have off days and forming good habits never come easy. It will take training and patience for all of us. Must keep going....
I have another child who has done her work three days in a row. It will take work for us all to get to that 21 days (and of course keep going) but if we tighten up the reigns and keep at them we will get there and things will get so much easier. One because it will just become a habit and two, keeping it up daily means less build up. So Getty up lets go :)
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While your at it how about blog hopping :)
This is a project I have been wanting to do for ever and I finally did it!! The hallway was just screaming chalkboard :) So I finally bought some chalkboard paint. I was needing to paint all of the hallway a new coat of paint so I got more paint for the rest of the hallway and the chalkboard paint and went at it...
My son takes a step back to see what an awesome job he has done.
I really needed to sand the wall first but didn't want to take that extra step. It is still workable even without the extra step. Though if you ever decide to do this you may want to take that extra step. I have some paint left over so I want to make a couple of smaller boards. You can use picture frames and such. What ever you want.
Time to pull that red tape off....
And there is the finished project! I recycled some old trim I had to put at the top and bottom. Now my children can be writing on the wall :)
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Today I joined a link-up party with Women Living Well....Click on Link below and see what other Ladies are up too
Yesterday out of the blue, one minute fine the next minute not, the little man spiked a high grade fever. 103.5 under arm. So I put a cool wash rag over his head and gave him a fever reducer. He started feeling a lot better. Seemingly back to his energized self. Then in the middle of the night a fever again this time a little less but still a high one. So again with the fever reducer. By morning he felt great with no fever. So far all day no fever. He has begged me all day to let him play outside. I kept entertaining him inside. Now at the end of the day since he is still feeling well I am letting him go out for a bit.
He has no signs of anything else going on not sinus junk no nothing. Only thing he said was his head hurt, which I am sure is due to the high fever and said he had tummy ache. when fever was gone his headache was gone. And today a funkey BM which he tends to have every now and then. I really think he may have some kind infection GI related due to his history. What ever it is very puzzling....
Thanking God for a good day today and praying for more of them. BG are getting better too. They were pretty high when he had high fever. Now they are looking better and better.
That is all for now Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel
I read on homeschool website or blog the A to Z of Why I homeschool. I forgot where...so sorry I can't give you a link. Though I thought I'd give it ago.
A. Because I am already a teacher for my children, a principal and a nurse why not go full time
B. Why not they are my children
C. Having two children with chronic illnesses, no worries of getting behind in school.
D. Don't have to take time in my busy schedule to explain why my child is sick (when my kids are sick they are needing me not me on the phone giving explanations) I already know
E. At home it is all about my kids learning not about competition, high scores, tests, or money.
F. History from the Bible can be included
G. Peer pressure is out
H. Bulling is out
I. With home school the sky is the limit to learning there are endless possibility's
J. Can focus on each individuals strengths
K. Social skills are strengthened when you subtract the peer pressure, bulling and add love and encouragement this is possible at home
L. With home school groups, church and sports the social activities are endless (socializing is NOT and issue)
M. Can go what ever pace needed for each individual (can graduate early)
N. Can use different learning tools and styles to fit each individual.
O. LOts of support out there. The number of people home schooling are growing each year. Lots of help and support for the children and parents.
P. We all learn together
Q. Can go to lots of field trips
R. Vacation break any time of the year to fit our needs
S. Can give my children better lunch
T. My children can check their BG anytime anywhere no need ask to leave and go to the nurse
U. I become more aware of my childrens strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning when taught at home
V. "School" can go with you anywhere out of town on family visits. In a car in a dentist office. If you so choose it one moment home school another mobile school. Hey if we really wanted we could call it mobile school all the time after all it is. Can take school outside if ya want :)
W. Home school and our local homeschool group has actually brought us to socialize more....hows that for a shocker ha :)
X. Work actually gets done faster because you don't have to wait for bells to ring or other students to finish
Y. There is always room for improvement
Z. When you school at home you never miss a day because you are already there Ha :) There is lots of flexibility so if your child is sick you can put on a learning video on or sometimes they feel better parts of the day so you just can do work on a different part of the day. Doctors visits work around them. You don't have to miss a day. Snow day if you so choose still can get the work done.
Well I could just keep on going...but I am at z so stopping :)
Thanks for visiting NR School House hope you stop by again....
School time is just around the corner and I am bound and determined to have at least a little bit better school year than last year. Planning a little bit each day. Getting ready ahead of time and I am actually excited about this year!! My littlest guy will begin pre-K, I think this age is fun to teach. Also thinking about actually putting together a "school room" we will see if I can pull that off or if I really want to do those little ideas floating in my head. I will have a preschooler, a 5th grader a 10th grader and a 12th grader. Lots to do to get everything ready and in place. Lots to choose from for each one of them. Anyway I thought I would share a few links with you. For those of you who also homeschool.
http://www.theheadoftheclass.com/ this is what I am using for my younger two. This is FREE!!
http://www.homeschooltracker.com/tracker_basic.aspx This too is FREE!!! I will use this for all of them. Homeschool Tracker software is a complete reporting, record keeping, tracking and planning software system to organize your lesson plans, assignments and reports for Windows. Plan and record assignments, reading lists, field trip reports, attendance, and print report cards, keep attendance records
And another awesome one http://www.gardenofpraise.com/index.htm
This is a great link for History. I am using it for my 10th grader and possibly my 5th grader http://www.raisingrefounders.com/
My 12th grader will be doing his school work with Ashworth College the James Madison Highschool http://www.ashworthcollege.edu/programs/high-school/
Glad you stopped to visit NR School House ....hope it was helpful to you!
Gearing 4 Better Habits Than the Average Kitty
Posted by: Charity Gordon in Routines and Habits Continued...
OK so I am Gearing 4 Better Habits Than the Average Kitty :)
Thought I'd share with you a copy of what I keep open on my labtop at all times. The routine list I talked about yesterday. I have it on wordpad. I want to get to 21 (21 days form a habit) days straight on each important routine so I started numbering (a friend of mine gave me this idea)the important or more difficult ones to follow. Once I get to 21 it should be a breeze and I can start working on some other areas. I also may critique some things as time goes on like a certain time for something to better fit family or needs or add/subtract something.
morning coffee no more than two cups 1
check Johns BG at 8:00 or 8:30 and write it down 1 2 (working on keeping it at this time)
Give John insulin at 8:30 or 9:00am 1 2 (working on keeping it at this time)
read 1 2
drink water 1
pray 1 2
write in journal 1 2
10 eat breakfast then at 10:30am wake Josh up to check BG eat breakfast and take (working on the time) meds 1
write down Josh's BG 1
wash dishes 1 2
wash face
brush teeth
straighten up living room 1
do course work 1
check Johns BG 1
wash dishes 1 2
drink water 1
blog 1 2
Netflix dance mix XerSIZE
lunch time
drink water
wash dishes
do course work
wash dishes
straighten living room
do course work
Dinner time
check Johns BG and have Josh check his and write down both
wash dishes
eat dinner
drink water
wash cloths 1 2
put away cloths
wash cloths
put away cloths
I always seem to drift away from "routine list" as day goes on find myself on a "routine down time" will be working on that as well. The day isn't over so hopefully more numbers will be going down :) I am also putting things at end of routine for things that need to be done that day and just checking them off.
Hope this gives you some ideas to help out your days...
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They say it takes 21 days to make a habit and only 3 to brake it.
I have a routine list I am working on. Things that need to be done and a few extras for fun. Once I finish one routine I highlight it and move on to the next. I had stopped doing this for a while now I am getting back to it because it really helps. Something new I am doing is counting up towards 21 days, after that it will be easy breezy and I won't even need to think about it. Though if I miss something even just one day I will start over. So I highlight put a #1 next to it. Then if I do it 2 days in a row I write a #2. So on and so forth. Miss a day have to start all over.
This helps us get the job done and in time becomes so much easier. A little before the children begin their school again I plan on fixing them up a routine also. Maybe I will reward them once they hit 21 days and of course they will have to keep going.
Mondays are a great day to start up those routines so go for it...it may just make your life easier!
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So we went to Galveston to enjoy the beach had a great time with my DH, darling children and MIL and FIL. It was so calming as I sat and listened to the ocean and watched the kids enjoy the beach... ahhhhhh.
Well all things come to end. The day before we left my husband got sick then the day after we got home my little man who is diabetic got sick. In fact several times that day and that night. With diabetics there is so much concern. The dehydration, diabetic ketones, low BG's and high BG's then there is always the threat of becoming so sick that it becomes an ER situation. Thank God he made it through and by the next day he was feeling much better. Though the virus kept going and reached my 16 year old who is also diabetic. He too threw up several times and by night time he had a low grade fever. Today I am happy to say they are both doing well!! They don't fully have their appetite back so not completely well as of yet. So now I sing, Hit the road virus and don't you come back no more, no more, no more!! :)
So that is the road we are traveling today...tomorrow I shall share of much more pleasant things :)
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So I have been reading the book, A Praying Life, one thing that the author talked about is how he put his prayers for family members and such on note cards. Many times later he could look back and see prayers answered. He talked about going to our heavenly Father like a child. To ask for even the little things. After all even in the little things "who else would they really come from." I am now using notpad on my computer..typing down prayers. I also cut and paste prayers from FB. Finding a lot of my friends asking for prayer so to remember them in prayer I cut and paste them onto wordpad. I look over my prayers several time through out the day.
Praying about everything gives the control back to God. We often try to be in control of everything and don't even realize that is what we are doing. That is where worry an anxiety sits in as well as discouragement and such. When something worries me go to God, when I need something go to God, when my child needs something go to God, when I need help with some task to be done go to God. May we be encouraged to go to God in All things. He is there for us all we need is to ask.
Speaking of control. Something I have been thinking about is how often we christian really do try and take control of things and not really realize it. We find ourselves trying to control others make them believe as we do we try to control our own situations as well. Instead of taking each situation to God in prayer. We will even go as far as use scripture to prove our point and more than that a attempt to make one do what they should do or do what we think they should do or how they should be. How is that not good when after all we are using scripture. One thing is we often make premature judgments about things. God sees the whole picture, we often make a quick judgment without all the facts. It is not us who can change people it is God it is by the holy spirit and the love of God. Scripture can be just noise if not speaking or received it with the right motive and without the love of Christ. It is not by force or manipulation that one should follow scripture then ones heart is not in it. We should see scripture first as something to reflect on. Take it to prayer. What do I need to learn? What areas do I need to grow in? How does this scripture speak to me? Lord give me the strength to live out your will in me. Amen. After all it is our actions that will speak louder than words. The actions in Gods children is what will bring Gods word to life or kill his word. People close there ears to His word when they see those who preach not practice. When we love one another that speaks volume. That is living scripture. As we live scripture we can speak scripture in love and in prayer. With scripture first reflect, chew on it feed your spirit then you can go and feed your brother. No other other motive but to just feed let God do the rest. Share what you are chewing on in LOVE. Taking everything to prayer.
1 Corinthians 13
1 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
May we put most of our time and energy in serving one another in love. By first humbly seeking our heavenly father morning day and night. May we communicate to the father so naturally as we do to breath. Amen.
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OK so yesterday I decided to ride our indoor bicycler that has only been collecting dust. What isn't that what its for? Yes I finally after, well yes years, decided to get on it and ride. I did this a few times ride it but never stuck to it. The test will I stick to it? We shall see we shall see :) I was really excited at first to come to the notion hey I can read my kindle while I ride. It was working out great but well with 5 children you are bound to get interruptions especially when you have a toddler. Not sure how many minutes I got in maybe about 15 min or maybe it was 10 who knows. I am not going to get discouraged about the interruptions because I know every little bit counts and this too helps form a habit. In time I will get those better or longer workouts.
Today I walked around the block not a run just a walk remember I am forming a habit. Some days I will walk, some run and others ride the bicycle. What are you going to do for your exercise? Be sure to bring a buddy along it always make the weight much lighter,great support. Speaking of support be sure to go to Reshaping it All daily where you will get much support, encouragement and tips.
Why exercise....is it really worth all the effort? There are so so many exercise benefits!! Here is a few
# Exercise Benefit #1...Increased energy: The right combination of exercise and nutrition creates an hormonal environment conducive to fat loss, increased muscle strength and increased energy. When your body is working at peak efficiency, your energy levels soar!
Everyday things become much easier to do.
# Exercise Benefit #2...Increased Self-Esteem: Gaining control of your body size and weight through fitness is an amazing way to increase self-esteem. You look better and are more confident which empowers you in everything you do. You will find that the self-discipline required and learned through regular exercise spills over into other areas of your life and you will be better able to make other necessary and desireable changes.
# Exercise Benefit #3...Increase Mental Focus: Did you know that the latest research shows that exercise helps keep the brain sharp well into old age? Anything that involves mental acuity (focus and concentration) is improved. You also stand a much better chance of avoiding such diseases as Alzheimer's and senility.
More benefits here http://www.busywomensfitness.com/exercise-benefits.html
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OK I don't really consider myself on a diet. Though what we eat is our diet and am wanting to watch what I eat and well "Reshape it all" Looking at my whole life and being. My diet isn't just about what I take in but also what I live out. Healthy inside and out is what I hope to be working in me. So today I must start with the confessions of a so called "Dieter"
On the food and exercise department I must confess I am not doing a very good job. Exercise regularly ha I have not got to that point yet. Eating the right amount of veggies and water has not totally entered my diet vocabulary. Though I would like it to be my greatest focus at this point. I have subtracted soda's from my diets vocabulary though I have done this many times before only to find it back again. So I will be pleased to see me stick to it. This week will be about bringing the veggies in much more often as well as drinking water then of course the daily exercise. I hope to report of my progress soon rather than confessing of not greeting my goals :) Talk about goals, well they aren't all just about food as I said earlier. And really can't achieve anything on my own. I really don't have the power all by myself. which brings me to the power of prayer. I too have many confessions of many areas of my life as we all do. So that too brings me to prayer.
Something I should be living out in life so much more. With a true repenting heart. Hmmmmm and How often do I ask my heavenly Father for help? How am I starting my morning? Do I give Him my day when I rise? Do I seek Him in all things? What about before I go to sleep do I talk with my savior? Do I ever come to my heavenly father with a thankful heart. During my reshaping it all I hope to grow in faith and become more prayerful. May we be like a bean sprout, (when planted in prayer and word), grow all over the place. Inside and out, here and there....come on lets sprout.
Helping Links on todays subjects........ A Praying Life , Reshaping It All
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The sun is hidden away and the night has come. It feels much like a dark dreary night when my children get sick especially my children who have TP 1 diabetes. The sinus junk has hit our home. At first it was not so bad the littlest who has diabetes even though coughing and congested seem to feel fine. Today I think it has finally caught up with him. My older son who has diabetes is also not feeling well. When ever these two get sick it really takes a toll on them. Seems to last longer than the rest and hit harder than the rest of the kids. There is a lot that one must consider with these two guys when they are sick. High BG and low BG they come more often when sick. Then there is diabetic ketones you have to worry about. It is a bumpier ride with many precautions to be made. Thankfully I am not sick and am able be there for everyone. The only sick I have is that feeling mommies get deep down in your gut when your child is not well. DH isn't feeling well either so we got three sickies (2 of them multiply times 2 for all the extra that has to be done with chronic illnesses) so that means putting this mommy on over drive for waiting on and and nurturing. Glad to though, I love, love, love my family!!! I would hate to be separated from my kids when they are sick it would be like the night without the moon and the stars. Praying they will get sunshine soon.....<3
Are you packed for Reshaping it All?
OK so yesterday I expressed the need to pack and plan when going on a trip. I have packed what I am bringing and thought I'd share the links with you to put in your suitcase.
Of course...
Reshaping it All by Candace Cameron Bure
things I am adding
Home Sanctuary
A Praying Life
Calm My Anxious Heart
Menu's for Mom
Herbal Cleanse (I wiill be having a free give away of this soon)
Holy Bible
and don't forget your water, elbow greece and a positive attitude :)
Oh and remember we will be picking up souvenir's and tools along the way with Reshaping it all
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I linked up with Women Living Well you may want to take them along for the ride as well :) Check out the link below
Day 2
Here I am on day two of Reshaping it all so so excited about this book and change in my life! Candace has hit it on the nail where healthy living really must begin and where we should be looking all the way through. A scripture that Candace shared is Eph.3:20 He is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." First step is to turn to God and ask for help and know through Him we can get on that road and move right along. Hope you have jumped on board it is going to be an awesome ride!! I have not bought the book yet but have read the first chapter. After reading the first chapter I defiantly plan to buy the book.If you are thinking about buying her book, (though you don't have to much of its riches will be shared on the website) you can go on amazon and read the first chapter free......before you buy. Also remember that the kindle version is cheaper and you can get that. If you don't have kindle that is OK you can get kindle for your PC for free! Though it doesn't cost much to buy the hard copy book either. Then there is also the chance to win that you will find on link below.
I will be sharing much of my 65 day journey on here almost daily. I will also be sharing about another book "Calm my Anxious Heart" a journey to contentment which really helps with our journey to healthy living as well. I am very excited about both books!!
Part of the journey is packing. When you decide to go on a trip there is always planning and packing that goes along with it. So lets get to planning and packing. The map is already laid out for our trip in Reshaping it all. Other maps that will be used is the bible and Calm my Anxious Heart.
Packing ~ Healthy eats, exercise, maps (the bible, reshaping it all, calm my anxious heart),elbow greece and one positive attitude :)
Plan and goals be sure to write down yours
lose 15 pounds
0 sodas
6-8 glasses of water
herbal cleanse
more veggies and better meal planning
daily scripture reading
daily prayer
exersise (walk, run, ride bike etc.)
fellowship with friends and family
healthy routine for me and children
Clean and well kept home
all around cleanliness
Another thing that I will add to my 65 day journey is my home. Some weight loss needs to be done here. Been working on establishing healthy routines that keep a healthy and happy home. So I will be cleaning house literally as well as metaphorically. So far the steps we have made is one really clean room :) Will be working on one room at a time. Also working on establishing healthy routines for me and the kids. I put chore lists on the door for each person. This is one step the other is following through and being consistent. the 65 day journey will help us get to consistency.
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Hop on board and click on the link below....It is going to be an awesome ride :)