Simply pondering along the way.... Last night we visited a new congregation for the second time. We started going to this one because their services are Friday nights. Which is so helpful to my husbands work schedule. He is off every Friday night. When he does work, he works the late night shift so he is a night owl. So night services on Friday works out great for us. Service was wonderful and very moving!! I look forward to coming again and this time with our children. I have gone to many different denominations throughout my life and believe that each one has played an important roll in my life as we journey along. I am grateful to be where I am at and for where we have been. G-d was moving in our lives in each and every one, teaching and growing us. We have met many wonderful people and have learned much, I pray we continue to learn and grow. This is our second congregation that we have gone to that studies our Hebrew roots. Lots of changes along the way, lots of growing and a lot more growing to do, though HE ALWAYS remains the same....G-D with us.....HIS name(who HE IS) The I AM......HIS name IS ..."Hallelujah he lives in me the very one who brought the SON back to life"
Today I got the FREE (free ONLY today) ebook "Do What You Can" Plan, The (Ebook Shorts): 21 Days to Making Any Area of Your Life Better" and will begin making those steps towards my goals. Focus at the step towards, rather the far away distance of a goal. Maybe this will help me actually achieve some God given goals. I am thankful that Empowering Christian Women shared the link! I will start recording my journey each step of the way.
On the first day in the book it says to complete this sentence "My mustard seed goal is...I filled in the blank, read the bible when I first get up" This would be my small step towards putting God first.
I also started writing other things that I would like to get on track in my life. Wrote down the goal then some steps for the month of January. Here is three of them
WHOLE me IMPROVEMENT (Body, Spirit, and mind)
Steps for this month
-Exercise 3 days a week
-Pray and listen to bible as soon as I get up
-Work on memory verses 3 days a week
Steps for this month
Clean out refrigerator
Clean and organize kitchen
Clean and organize laundry room
Get new refrigerator
Date night with husband and each child one at a time once a month.
Well that is all for now hope you step along side me with your set of goals for 2013.
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