Bringing Them Home  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

I am on a mission to help bring home some orphan children to their new families. First and for most I want to help my Nephew and his wife bring home their little girl that they are adopting...Please consider buying a T-Shirt to help bring her home or at least get the word out. Hope to continue to help in some way until they bring their precious one home. I have also decided to "Adopt" another family and keep trying to help until I see 20,000 on their donation box. I believe G-d has put on my heart the Garcia Family Please consider giving, sharing/and or praying for these families. My Goal.... Pray 4, Share, Do some fundraising Until I see that $20,000 has been reached. Praising G-d for touching our hearts..Amen.

Never Know Where a Road Might Take You  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

You just never know where a road might take you even with map in hand you might just come up to a road detour, you may come across traffic, or really bad weather. If you come across these things don't be discouraged it might be the very thing to get you on a road you never thought you would travel but was intended for you. Diabetes and some scary lows led me to a diabetic alert dog and an organization, their system led me to no longer having "their D.A.D." which led me to an animal shelter picked out a dog we would never of had gotten if not for the previous happenings. We got there just at the right time and we now are on the road to self training. Where I too hope to help people who are seeking direction, to let them know that it can be done and does NOT have to be attached to so many dollar signs or a faulty system. Which has led me to think about $20,000 wow so many things can be done to help a lot of people with that amount of money. I could help my child (by self training) teach others they can do the same (with much smaller amount of dollar signs) and then with that great amount we can help the poor the lost and the in need through many different avenues. I was doing a study the other day and learned how Jewish(or in Judaism) people help the needy out of duty. It is not an extra thing they do. Something done as thoughtless as breathing. Kind of like feeding your own family no pat on your back it is your duty. We should do this for our brothers do it out of love, obedience and responsibility. This is the way it should be for us "Christian" gentiles all of G-d's children are called to help one another. So not only am I going to help my family with a diabetic alert dog in training but I too hope to help other families to "self train" dogs and encourage people to adopt from a shelter and by the grace of G-d I too want to stop turning my cheek to things that come may way not only give to our church tithe and offerings but I too hope to go beyond that continue offering help where ever there is a need. I may not have the money to help but why not raise the money? I am giving myself a goal to raise $20,000 to help a charity or non profit organization. It may take me a while but I am up for the challenge.Which leads me to Reece's Rainbow Please consider helping this cause out in anyway shape or form...or I encourage you to ask yourself is their another Charity knocking at your door whom G-d himself led to you. May we answer the door and reach out to our brothers and sisters in love. Challenge yourself to 10 to 20 thousand dollars and see where it take you. Blessing.... Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel Charity Gordon

30 Minute Clean Up  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

So I have set up days for certain chores if those aren't finished or worked enough on allotted days I continue some to the next. To try and keep balance I am trying timing myself 3o minutes here 30 minutes there. Also I am not going to allow for more than 30 minutes at a time on the internet except for some times of study. I am using my phone for timing and task checking...this helps me make better use of my time, balance my day, and keep focused. So now I am thinking hmmmm haven't been making my children do their chores lately which has brought me to some critiquing again. Going to try having them clean for 30 min. any where they choose but encouraging the places that are needing it most at the time. Any extra 30 min after that they get a quarter. This will be the same for all ages. This is our home daily chores not a business. Just giving them a chance to make a little for the extra that they want to do and to work for that pocket change the older kids often ask for. Well we shall see where this road takes us...hopefully a focused more balance and less slothful one. Thanks for stopping by RraodWeTravel Charity Gordon

A Day Well Spent  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Okay so in scripture it says to work 6 days and keep the 7th day holy. We are to rest and that day is to be set apart. I have been keeping the "rest" part lately at least more than before. Though what about working 6 days?! Ha uhmmm not so much. Yesterday I really didn't "rest" knowing my house was such a mess around me. So here I go again trying to make better with my time. Better habits and routines can help bring about consistency and blow a horn to distractions or time steelier or wasters. I seem to find myself fall into so many traps with life's twist and turns and flashy signs saying come spend time here. So here is my plan that will hopefully come to routine..... Sunday ~ Mega clean living room Monday~ Do laundry and work on organizing and cleaning laundry area Tuesday~ Mega clean Kitchen and dinning area Wednesday~ Mega Clean Bathroom and hallway Thursday~ Work on Bedrooms Friday~ Clean whole house, cook and prepare for Sabbath. Saturday~ Ah....REST :) Everyday I want to study some and learn to say no to more and more things a least until the day has been a day well spent. Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel hope you come again