Can You hear HIS heartbeat?!  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

In service today the Rabbi spoke of a a per suite to get a lamb for Passover. The man who was with him caught the lamb and said I can hear his heartbeat with tears in his eyes. This is what sacrifice is all about can you hear the heartbeat? I began to visualize Jesus (the lamb of G-d) do who hear HIS heart beat?! Jesus who laid down HIS life for us. G-d who gave HIS only begotten son that we might be saved! Can you hear HIS heart beat?! If we would listen to the heartbeat of the word made flesh would we not be MOVED?!

I have been in a bit of a spiritual struggle lately wanting to hear from G-d not people but from HIM wanting TRUTH and only TRUTH. Praying for a burning bush if you will. To see clearly of ALL things and to be moved and to stand firm in HIM. Today the Rabbi also talked about our daily bread just like in the LORD'S Prayer. How we should be satisfied with the bread that HE gives us. So now instead of seeking a burning bush or a major vision I will be grateful for every revelation I may get as little as it may be. A piece of bread is sufficient what will I do with it? I have been wanting more to help me make a stand...but all I need is HIS daily bread and to listen to HIS heartbeat. To think of the LOVE of G-d to take hold of that and to hold it close to my heart...who cares about what others may think who cares about my own self will NO ONE can LOVE me and KNOW me more than my Abba. The less we read the bible and follow his instruction the further we get from HIS instruction the less we are able to hear HIS heartbeat. To think of Mary with her son on the cross the pain the love the life....can you hear HIS heart beat?! This is my prayer that I truly begin to hear HIS heartbeat like a child moving in our womb...the excitement the love the joy that overflows is enough for me to lay down my life just as willing to give up so much for my children how much more so than for the Father. Dear G-d put your heart next to mine so that I might hear your heart beat and be moved to truly live by following your instructions with you and in you for this is life in deed and to love you and serve you so that I might be like a mother who is pregnant with her first child who is so eager to share the good news!!! May we take the time and see our Docter(Abba, whom we can find in scripture) so that we might hear the heart beat of Yeshua (Jesus)

Sharing my heart today...Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

Charity Gordon

The Race before the Rest :)  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Exodus 16:23
He said to them, “This is what the LORD commanded: ‘Tomorrow is to be a day of sabbath rest, a holy sabbath to the LORD. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.’”
Exodus 16:22-24

Exodus 20:11
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Exodus 20:10-12

I am learning about the WHOLE bible and how beautifully it is woven together all with purpose LOVE and LIFE woven through out. I am beginning to actually have eyes to see the thin threads through out, by the Grace of G-d. Anyway as I am journeying along I see that "keeping the Sabbath" is for me(us)even today. I will post at a later date about my search and find :) For now I must say what a blessing!!!

So now that I see the importance I am doing what I can do to keep the Sabbath. The Hebrew days(or biblical times) begin at sundown. So Friday I get as much as I can get done before sundown. I also must do some preparation before Friday like meal planning as well as chores to be able to do that. Although I also find Friday is the day to play "catch up" Then it ends up being a race to get things done before the Sabbath "rest".

Racing to get house somewhat clean meals ready before sundown. I would like to have dinner ready around 4:00pm so I can cook and wash before sundown. I can do this because my husband does not work on Fridays. This time in the slow cooker we are having taco soup. I am make bread for today as well as a big meal. Steak bell pepper, mash potatoes, greens and bread with some wine. This is just how I am doing it at the moment I may decide to have the meal ready by sundown as I learn and grow.

So I best run away from the computer now :) and race throughout the house before the rest(Sabbath:)

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel

Charity Gordon