God is doing a work in us ALL. HE takes a broken vessel and makes it anew. A broken vessel we ALL are. So why are we so quick to condemn our brother or even back hand them?? WE are being formed and are NOT complete. If WE seek our heavenly Father for guidance and direction then WE are a WORKING PROGRESS. Let US NOT back hand one mans beliefs to upgrade or prove our own. LIVE and LET G-d do the moving, molding, and revealing. Let us humble our own selves unto the L-RD.
We are journey men(women)traveling along, learning, growing. Our eyes do NOT see what the Fathers eyes see...the shaping within ones heart. What is today will be gone tomorrow.
I am learning to spend much more time opening my own heart to G-d and pray for others. It is OUR ACTIONS that SPEAK louder than our words. Less words more ACTION lord I pray. Today I pray my greatest desire of all is to learn to truly love with the FATHERS love. I pray that the LORD will process my heart that I may bring glory to HIS name. It is so easy to say or think this. But to surrender my whole heart to HIM and to NOT keep one ounce to myself....ha not easy.
He has a beautiful and amazing plan for our lives...we are NOT to process the lives of others but let G-d process our own hearts and souls so that life plan can be born and multiplied. When one sees G-d's work in us the LOVE of G-d can be heard.
When you think about it ALL of our hearts are wounded in some way or another. To process there most be healing. Let us let G-d heal our hearts and bring life back into our hearts, again and again. Amen. This is a process....Tonight when we go to bed when it is quiet may we experience the touch of the Father on our hearts once again and make it new.
Process My Heart Oh G-d for YOU are my everything.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Process or processing (verb) typically describes the action of taking something through an established and usually routine set of procedures or steps to convert it from one form to another