Picture of my daughter drawn by my daughter  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in


Posted by: Charity Gordon

Perseverance ~ steady persistence in a... course of action,a purpose,a state,etc.,esp.in spite of difficulties, obstacles,or discouragement.2.Theology. continuance in a state of grace to the end,leading to eternal salvation.

Perseverance Part 1

The word "perseverance" has been on my mind lately. Lots of obstacles and discouragements in the roads we travel even if we were to do most everything right hardships happen. The imperfect us in an imperfect world yet we want perfect. If we can't have it, some of us give up. We get discouraged we get knocked down. Life a long road to travel storms come, traveling up hill, down hill, bumpy roads, and smooth ones. Then a fork in the road....we must choose which way to go. The journey of Gods children is a marathon with obstacles it is a hard journey. Though there are rest stops along the way, blessings of abundance. We need to push through each obstacle....listen to the saints cheering you on. You can do it......Keep going and then to another break through.

Lets run the race and stay faithful to God and continue to let your light shine even when were tired and weary even when we have falling. To get up and try again. We must, we must continue for our families and to be a light to all those we come across. Stay the course....we can't do it alone.....stay the course....only by the grace of God only by the grace of God can we do this.

Be respectful to others even when you feel disrespected. God help me. Keep going even if you don't feel the support. Many years ago my match was ignited by the Love of God lighting my dark world and making me a new person. Did you light your match? Did you allow your light to dim or go out? Love even when you don't feel like it. Only way we can do this is to receive our heavenly Fathers love and by His grace we can love unconditionally. Love when you are weary keep pressing on because God has a plan for us it is a beautiful plan. Embrace His plan and receive His joy...Stay faithful to Him and keep the course if you get off course get back on. Stay faithful to God and He will stay faithful to you. I pray we rise up and let our light shine....somewhere there is someone who needs a reason to believe. Love is calling us!!! I pray we get up and press through stand up and run with it. Amen

God is Love, God gave so we too can give and share in His love........that is how the lost get found.

Persevere...don't let your lights go out...Give AGAPE LOVE

What an advantage  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

NR School House........

I noticed that when my 10 year old does her math she was counting her fingers to multiply. So our focus is to review the multiplications. I want her to know all answers without even having to think. So we are going over multiplication over and over getting to where she can say them quickly. One of the advantages of home school is that you can keep at something until you really learn it before moving on to the next thing. Or we can go back if we need to. She is also working on her states right now working on the 50 states in the U.S.A. I don't want her to grow up not having any direction or knowledge of our country and where each state is. Learn the whole world and spend as much time on it as we like. Endless learning with awesome focus!!

I have been printing out History sheet for my 14 year old daughter and she has some math and English workbooks. Every subject and some right in front of her in the world wide web as well. She loves to learn so she is always reading and learning everything under the sun. We will soon be getting her a software that I will share about soon as well. That would be great for grading and stuff that I am not well rehearsed on :)

With some time of wavering I am finally at a point where I am certain this is a place that my family should be. I am excited about all the possibilities for my children so many avenues to grow and learn right at our finger tips. I am embracing this time of our school house and am eager to grow and learn myself as well. Home School... learning and growing...what an advantage!!!

Thanks for stopping by RroadWetravel.... NR School House...


Parking Places??  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

A Simple Womans Day Book  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

For Today...

Outside my window ~ There is a little snow left and quickly melting away...

I am thinking ~ Oh where did my thoughts go :)

I am thankful for ~ My family.......they Rock!!!

From the kitchen ~ It awaits Swedish meatballs and green beans for dinner

I am wearing ~ A pair of jeans a big bulky sweat shirt a blanket and my lil bear..me'sa staying warm :)

I am remembering ~ The farm that I lived on when I was a kid...

I am going ~ To do a lot of things I just came back to finishing up on this blog and got a lot of things running through my head of things going to do with this blog along with some others things. So please come back and see where Rroad takes us in 2011

I am reading ~ The bible through www.youversion.com

I am hoping ~ For the best year ever!

I am creating ~ A home sanctuary with the help of http://www.homesanctuary.com/

I am hearing ~ The history channel

I am noticing ~ That I need to decide whether or not I want to keep taking my daughter to music class We payed for her take take music last semester and this semester she would learn the recorder...wondering can we really afford it right now...

Around the house ~ There needs to be a whole lot of cleaning going on...

One of my favorite things ~ Family

Plans for the week ~ Homeschooling, cleaning, working online course and real estate training...

Pondering these words ~ Love one another

Scripture thought ~ "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win." I Corinthians 9:24

Here is a picture to share

Corn husks dolls, my cousin, me, the farm and the good old days... :)

Come on over to Peggy's for some more Womens day books


Posted by: Charity Gordon

I downloaded my Goals & Priorities Diary and absolutely love it!!! So I must share with you again. Is is FREE for LIMITED time ONLY!!! In fact it is free until after MIDNIGHT!!! This is the last day so check it out and download it. Click on Goals & Priorities Diary Great help meet for helping us meet our goals :)

While I am in the FREE sharing mode here is another. FREE Christian Audiobook Download of the Month ~ What Does the Bible Say About Raising Children. This was shared by Empowering Christian Women In fact I also learned of the Goals limited time freebie from same place. You can like Empowering Christian Women on Facebook where you will find lost of great stuff!!

Have a fabulous Free Friday :)

Thanks for stopping by RroadWeTravel!!