New Day  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

The above video is awesome.....It's a brand new day!! I am so excited about the new year!!!

5 things to work on

5 Repair Broken relationships
4 Seek out to help the poor, homeless, and needy
3 Improve Your physical well being
2 Set aside time to spend with God
1 Love more

Happy New Year!!


Here are some links that may help you with your new year goals there are a lot I would like to share so I think I will share some today and then some others another day. Hope at least some of these will be helpful tools to you... or try!/empoweringchristianwomen (don't know a lot about these two authors but looks helpful. You might want to search them out a bit to see if it is for you. It is not geared toward any denomination) (lots of great stuff hear for your menu planning)

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Posted by: Charity Gordon

CHRISTmas time is my favorite time of the year. Despite all the commercialism going on at that time or even our history (satan will always counterfeit everything good and there will be times we will have to make a even greater stand)......There is so much good to been seen. It is a day we remember the birth of Jesus Christ,whether it is the actual date of His birth or not it is a time we remember. It is a time that I am reminded of the best gift of all. Jesus who came to save us and give us life. The Love of God truly is moving in such a way it makes lasting impressions on people. Christmas time is a time more people are willing to receive the gospel of our Lord. Christians should reach out to other all throughout the year though this time in particular more people are willing to receive.

Another thing I love about Christmas is the family get together s, another true gift from God. I can not even express the joy I receive when surrounded by my family and my extended families. I want to cherish every moment because they are such a blessing and you never know how long we have with them. I know this is often a sad time for folks because they are remembering there lost loved ones. I know that day will one day come for me. It has in that I mourn the loss of my grandparents. So cherish I must and cherish I will throughout the year and during Christmas time when so many can get together at one time. Love it!!!

Even so CHRISTmas time is a time I do want to be sure to put more and more focus on HIM. It is easy to get carried away with other things. So I hope to add more and more traditions Christ centered. This year was the first year we made a birthday cake for Jesus. Just a little something to highlight what Christmas is about. I have wanted to make a cake for years and each year I have put it off. Until this year. We made Jesus his birthday cake and we all sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. This Christmas was a wonderful Christmas!! Was it as Christ centered as it should or I would like it to be? No. Peeling back the distractions one peel at a time in my daily life and when we celebrate His birth, and will take a bite out of the fruits of life...

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All the Way Home  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Today I am thinking of those who have gone before us. The song above is beautiful. I think of my grandparents and the roads they have traveled I think of the saints and friends and family and those we never new. The roads that they took?? The families who were left behind to mourn and miss having them around. Some only had a short road to travel to home. I too am thinking of those who are still traveling through. Oh Lord help us to appreciate life and living, help us to appreciate friends and family. Help us to reach out to them as well as to strangers. They all, we all have a story a road that we have traveled. Up hill down hill, twist and turns, right turns, left turns, wrong turns. Lost along the way and having to get back on the right road. These past few weeks I have heard of many people who suddenly lost a love one children and adults. Life is so precious we don't know when it will be the end of our road and for those who are near us. Lets hug are loved ones and take a walk with them in their shoes that is.

Right now I can't stop thinking about an elderly lady who lives across from us. She often alone. I always mean to visit and talk with her. I really need to visit her. Just sit with her and listen to her story. Yes I will go visit with her maybe even take notes we can learn so much from others. I think with time we have lost the story's that really mean so much...

Dear God may your words be pressed upon my heart and mind. Lord help us to pass down your word and the faith that the saints had before us may we carry that torch of faith and pass it on to our children. Help me Lord to follow the tracks you have laid before me...May the grace of God carry me all the way home.... And may we take the time to tell the story's to strengthen. Amen.

Follow the orderly road  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

I so desire to have a orderly and neat home. I am ready to go down the road that will take me there. I have gotten on and off that road. Trying many different things and seems I can't stay on that road. But I am determined...I recently got a new used car and love it. I am determined not to do like the other cars...mess slowly creeping in. So far have gone a good while without letting anything creep in. So now I want to move that into the house. One room at a time. Focus is the key to keep the overwhelm out and to stay on that road. Can't take short cuts nor wait till later. Right now the focus is the Kitchen. Once I get it spotless I will focus on keeping it spotless. Once we develop a habit of keeping a clean Kitchen I will move on to the next room. Will still straighten up in other rooms and such but main focus will be room by room and one habit at a time.

I will try and remember to post again in about a month on where we are at. Would love to here what you are doing to stay on that orderly road. The ups and the downs.

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My awesome family  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

This is a video a high school friend of my husbands made of our family

Let Everything Praise the Lord  

Posted by: Charity Gordon in

Psalm 150
Let Everything Praise the Lord

150:1 Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens! [2]
2 Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness!

3 Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
4 Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!
5 Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!


Where One Pain is There is a Greater One Still  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Tuesday we headed to childrens for the boys endocrine check ups. They passed the test and both got better A1C. They have different A1C targets due to age. They both did not hit their target but getting close. I am looking to see even better next visit. So glad to have that over with. I hate Type 1 diabetes and hate that two of my precious boys have it!! I wish that we could get diabetes over with,that I could kiss it and make it better but it is here to stay (with Type 1 insulin is not produced due to destruction of the of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas) so we learn to do our best and keep pressing forward learning more about the disease and different ways to better manage the disease and moving forward with other things, dreams and such, despite the disease and its opsticals.

One thing I always think about when we go to their appointments at Childrens is other people that pass us who are going through much of what we are or worse. Your heart goes out to the parents and children. Its kind of like being at church and you here all the prayer request and realize that other people are hurting too. Stepping outside of yourself and realize where one pain is there is a greater one still.

We are all on a roller coaster ride some more intense than others. And God is there for all big or small. Let us be sure to let God in for the ride and with him we can step outside ourselves and feel the pain of another and reach out in some way.

Today stepping outside of myself and my family and sharing about another, one whom a friend shared about on Facebook....Please take the time to pray for Bonnie and her family. Click on A Greater pain still if you would like to donate to her fundraiser.

A Greater Pain Still

"What is more I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for whose sake I have lost all things not that I have already attained this, or have been made perfect but I press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me."

Please step outside of yourself and listen to Bonnies Story.