Endocrine Visit...  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Dreading tomorrow....What is tomorrow?? The exciting endocrinologist visit for my boys. Every three months we get to go, glad to be able to because it is important and helpful to their health none the less not something I get to excited about. Many of us parents with kids with diabetes don't get to excited about the visit. I am sure this is also true for the diabetics themselves. I heard one mom describe it as going to the principals office when you were a kid. I guess we get a since of failure because we just can't get it 100% right know matter how hard we try. It is very frustrating to not be able have there BG's at a perfect number at all times no matter how well we do things. Yes we CAN take better control but never complete control. Taking better control and accepting that we can't get complete control are both very difficult!! I have two children that have type 1 diabetes that makes for double the difficult. Then add that they are toddler and a teenager well, more difficult. I think another thing about the visit is just like a reminder of the reality of the disease and how it plays a heavy weight roll in our lives. We have are routines and BG checks and insulin shots are just apart of our daily lives. That just the way it is but we really don't put much thought about the disease if we did I think it would make the task much harder because we'd be falling apart while we did the things we needed to do. The visit reminds us of the Disease because that is the only focus. I think it also brings back memories for me when they were first diagnosed and all those feelings. Oh and the Test......the A1C is always like waiting to find out if you passed the test. UGH...Tomorrow I am hoping for better A1C for them both.

Love, love my kid's and have a great desire for us all to learn and grow in such a way that we WILL be able to better manage. This will always be an on going process even for the doctors. With new tech. and new findings about the disease. So much to learn in some many areas...1 step at a time...Will always stay hopeful...

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May we not only live as though it is our last but live for others as though it is their last.  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Galatians 5:6 (King James Version)

6For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

To my brothers and sisters in Christ

A parable...

A young lady who was given no more than a week to live lay in bed with illness waiting for her time. She never heard or read scripture and new not God. Her father the king called for the preachers,teachers and all those who walk with God. For he was concerned for her after life. The king told 2 men and 1 woman to share one verse in the bible and to share about its meaning to his daughter.

The first man was good about keeping the sabbath so the verse he shared was as follows

Deuteronomy 5:12 (New Living Translation)
12 “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you.

Then the man proceeded to explain what the sabbath was and the evils of not keeping it.

The second man had prior engagement with some men who some what walked with God but did not walk as the man walk, he was to speak to them the correct way to walk. So this man did not come to talk with the girl. He said he would be glad to the next morning though.

The woman spent much time in prayer asking her heavenly Father to give her the message that the young lady needed at this time in her short life.

She went to the young lady and spent much time with her. She ask her questions about her life growing up. The elder lady spent much time just listening and getting to know the young lady. The elder lady also shared about her own life. The young lady listened to the elder for the elder truly and clearly cared for her well being.

Durning her stay she opened up the Holy Bible and read

John 3:16 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

She shared with the young lady the life of Jesus. The birth, death and what he did on the the cross for our sins and the resurrection. When she was through she began to pray with and for the young lady and asking for the holy spirit to move within the young ladies heart. Then she gave her the bible and said now get to know God and His love for you. Then she left. The very next morning the young lady went on to be with the Lord.

What scripture, what would you share?? Remember today could be the last for those who pass you by. What will you spend most of your time sharing and with whom??

May we not only live as though it is our last but live for others as though it is their last.

~ w/ Loving-Kindness
Charity Gordon