Booting Bad Habbits  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Booting Bad Habbits
Healthy living lets just face it is not easy know matter the knoweledge putting it to action is a whole other story. Not only is there a lot to learn, learning how to take those steps and having the will too is quite a task!! Within my heart i desire to live a healthy life physically and spiritually. Problem is i don't always follow that desire. But it is time time to boot some bad habbits!! Will you join me? What bad habbit will you boot? Just pick one to start with. Ok I'm taking the boot to diet cokes(or any soda). :) I have tryed this before and did stop drinking them but found myself right back where I started. Ok why diet coke after all they are Diet. Ok first that is just a catchy frase to get one to buy them. Two there is No nutritional value to them so how could they considered as good for the healthy diet. Another is they are very adictive. They are not natural all this is enough to say this is a unhealthy!! Not only that it is costly to tend to that Bad habbit. But it doesn't stop there there is much to say about the aspartame that is in the diet cokes! Part of change is getting educated then it is our responsibility to do something with what we learned. It is time for me do something positive with what i have learned so far. If i ignore the fact and possiblities if ignore that something could be costly to my health than it makes even easier to keep on keeping on with those bad habbits.So lets look at some more facts and/or possibilitie and not ignore anymore.
"The three primary artificial sweetener currently in use are saccharin (Sweet'N Low), aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), and sucralose (Splenda). These sweetners are among the most controversial of food additives. Advocates argue that the benefits provided outweigh the potential negative health effects. The perception is that consumption of these sweetners will lead to reduction of calories consumed. This in turn, will lead to weight loss or prevention of weight gain.Unfortunately, this is not the case as detailed studies have not shown these sweetners to reduce the amount of calories consumed or to have any significant effect on body weight. In fact aspartame may actually increase appetite.
So if these sweetners provide no benefits, what are the risks? Saccharin is a known cancer causing compound in rats. And while these effects have not been noted in humans, it must be pointed out that saccharin has been shown to cause cancer in rats only if it is administrated over two generations. Therefore it may be that future generations may pay for the current consumption of saccharin(Sweet in Low).
Aspartame is a compound of aspartic acid,phenylalanine, and methanol.
Richard Wurtman, M.D., the pioneer in the study of nutrition and the brain, cautioned the FDA that, based on his extensive research ,aspartame could significantly affect mood and behavior. Wurtman and other researchers have demostrated that aspartame administration to animals at levels comparable to those of high comsumption, alter brain chemistry.
While the long term affects largely unknown, some peope are quite sensitive to aspartame and report immediate reactions." Healing Foods by Micheal Murray N.D
I could go on and on but I shall stop there and encourage you to do some research on artificial sweetners.
What about diabetics you say? The American diabetes Assosiation says
"Myth: People with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods.
Fact: A healthy meal plan for people with diabetes is generally the same as a healthy diet for anyone – low in fat (especially saturated and trans fat), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit. Diabetic and "dietetic" foods generally offer no special benefit. Most of them still raise blood glucose levels, are usually more expensive, and can also have a laxative effect if they contain sugar alcohols"
Yes as far as soda's are concerned if a diabetic was going to choose a diet soda or a regular soda choice would be diet but both are NOT healthy and both can have long term effects on you. So the thing would be to take the BOOT to BOTH

A 5 year olds dieing wish  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

When reading over my friends post on FB one caught my attention Plz read this it is about a 5 year old dieing wish!!

This is what i read "To all my friends and family; a Friend of mine has sent out the following request: 5-year old Noah Biorkman is in a hospice dying from the final stages of Neuroblastoma cancer. The family is celebrating Christmas next week & it is Noah's wish to get lots of x-mas cards. Please send to: Noah Biorkman, 1141 Fountainview Circle South, Lyon MI. 48178. Thanks in advance if you can help out."

Please help this 5 year old wish come true by sending little Noah a Christmas card and passing this on!! TY <3

Remember Noah will be celebrating Christmas next week so Now is the time!!! TY