
Posted by: Charity Gordon

I struggle daily with messy house syndrome. Surely a tornado has hit and what is left is not worth salvaging. This is my home to the T or H or something :) Things around here are going to change though. Healthy living is the mine set healthy living is at heart. So day by day healthy living to be. Got to keep washing those dishes washing washing wash wash washing. Making way for those healthy meals I will be making.

Healthful Family  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Healthy food isn't the only thing that requires a healthy human being. What is in our hearts can effect our physical being as well as our relationships with others. Biterness can have a effect on our bodies. Unforgiveness can have a negative effect on us. What ever is in our hearts will poor out into our relationships. When we allow God to work through our hearts love will pour out of your heart and onto those around you. We then find ourselves being kind and practicing patience and so on. So let us pray that God will continue to move in our heart that we may practice patience to those around us. We pray that the Lord will help us listen more. My hearts desire is that I start listening to my daughter more. Who could you listen to more? Let Love flow oh Lord. Amen.


Posted by: Charity Gordon

"according to scripture, it is the heart that prays. If our heart is far from God, the words of prayer our in vain." (Catechism, 2562)

Let us first turn our hearts toward God.

The Lords Prayer

The Lords Prayer takes less than 5 minutes to pray. This is the prayer that Jesus instructed His disciples to pray. It is a selfless prayer. The prayer does not say my Father but Our Father, give Us this day, Our daily bread, forgive Us as We forgive. The Our Father asks for Thy will be done. So let us begin each day saying the Lords Prayer. If you have not already spend this week memorizing The Lords Prayer as well.

"Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil."

Luke 11:2-4

Hope you will join me tomorrow as we walk towards healthier relationships with our family.

Thank you for stopping by :)


Posted by: Charity Gordon

The Simply Healthful Life includes

Heart (spiritual)

First Steps

Our first steps must begin with the Heart. So let us begin with our creator He is our true source of Health and Life. He is the one who makes our hearts beat. This week we will work on our prayer Life. Each day let us give God 5 more minutes a day in prayer.

Next let us walk towards a healthier Family life. Is there someone in your family you need to work on your relationship with? This week try to really listen.

Home is where the heart is. It also needs to be where health is. So keeping house is apart of healthy living. We will start in the kitchen since this is where we cook. A messy Kitchen can get in the way of healthy food. This week we are going to work on keeping up with our dishes. For some of us that might mean 3 or more loads of dishes a day.

Last but not least the healthy Body. When talking about healthful living this is usually first on the list or the only thing on the list. All four of these things really need to be working together to truly live healthful lives. We need to begin with the heart(spirit) and let love flow towards the rest. We must really in thinking "healthy" be in it for the long run. We need to be in it for life. Healthful living is living, living to its fullest. So yes Body is the last on the list but not the least important. We need to be good stewards of our bodies its not about looking good in a bathing suit. This week instead of thinking about what you need to take out of your diet lets think about adding something to our diet. Lets try having a salad a day.

Hope to see you again on Monday as we talk a little bit more about prayer.
Thanks for stopping by :)

Healthful steps one step at a time  

Posted by: Charity Gordon

Here at Healthful Steps it is all about living healthful lives one step at a time. This is a place for Everyone, overweight, under weight, right weight(what ever that is)those who are well and those who may be battling a disease. Here we are on a life long journey there is no set date where you just stop but continue on. This is a place I hope to be an encouragement to live a healthful life, that we might look at the whole body and even beyond towards our heavenly Father our true source of healthful living our beginning and our end. May we learn to become good stewards of our bodies and join hands in this walk of life.

Go ahead take my hand, bookmark or follow Healthful Steps and meet me again next week with our first step. There will be little things here and there you can win as I post contest every now and then.

Thanks for stopping by hope to see you again :)